Thursday, October 31, 2019

Is International Relations Simply International History If Not Why Essay

Is International Relations Simply International History If Not Why - Essay Example International relations involve the relationship that exists between sovereign states and nations. International relations usually encompasses the responsibilities that member states, countries, foreign international companies, government institutions and non-governmental institutions partake in ensuring that a cordial relationship exists among them (Ole1989). Some critiques have viewed this relationship as outdated and one that has no positive impact on member states. On the other hand, supporters of International relations believe that this relationship has proved beneficial to nations that have adopted it and is still embraced by many nations that believe in the importance of international relationship. International relations has enabled the solving of issues such as those related with globalisation, international security especially concerning terrorism, preservation and conservation of the environment particularly global warming, political issues, economical issues and human ri ghts violation especially in nations where genocides have occurred. International relations are an important concept in the modern society internationally particularly because this is the era that is dominated by digital technology and advanced technology in form of communication and transport. This has therefore necessitated the need for good cordial relationship among nations especially because of the need for peaceful collaboration between countries (Guzzini 2001). I therefore argue that contrary to views that International relations is simply international history, the relationship is still being embraced by many countries and is here to stay because of the benefits the relationship accords members. The global world has experienced numerous changes in the recent past especially after the end of the Second World War. Many nations have acknowledged the need for good international relations for not only security reasons but also other reasons such as economic prosperity, promotion of human rights and for environmental conservation. The international relations have especially been embraced by international non-governmental organisations and other private bodies such as World Bank, International Monetary Fund, United Nations and International Labour Organisations. These international interactions are becomingly progressively more distinguished by non-government actors such as the World Bank, and International Monetary Fund, a lesser need for military power and in the decline in the power of the state. Historically the concept of international relations was first embraced globally after the establishment of the United Nations body especially to address issues related to human rights violation. This was particularly in relationship with Second World War where human rights were greatly violated by nations that took part in the war. Since then the world has experienced the establishment of various global organisations to address political, social, humanitarian and economic issues. In accordance with human rights violation, even though there has been incidences in which human rights violation have been experienced the world in general has made major steps in ensuring human rights are protected by member nations. This is particularly demonstrated by the strides that the international court of law has made in ensuring that those involved in the violation of human rights are punished for their crimes. For instance, former Liberian President Charles Taylor was accused of committing crimes against humanity. Another example is

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Integrating software applications in cloud-Enabled Enterprises Research Proposal

Integrating software applications in cloud-Enabled Enterprises methodology - Research Proposal Example 2. To implement software applications that enabled BYOD in the Enterprise domain. 3. To implement security protocols for BYOD devices that meet the needs of Enterprise frame working This chapter develops a research methodology for pursuing the objectives. The chapter includes research methods section that identifies the proposed methods for implementing the study, research design, and role of the researchers, the study’s facilitators, research participants, and instrumentation for the study. The section also discusses validity and reliability of the selected data collection instruments, data collection procedure, proposed data analysis approach and pilot study for the research. Research method The descriptive study proposes a mixed research approach for investigating its objectives. The method will be explored through field study. It integrates qualitative and quantitative techniques and has the advantages of minimizing weaknesses of each of the techniques and optimizing the t echniques’ strengths. Its advantages and its correspondence to the scope of the research justify its source. Data that is collected in quantitative techniques reflect on the actual value in an occurrence and not a researcher’s perception. ... Such data will inform needs in organizations’ computing systems and consequences of such needs towards development of optimal integrated systems with suitable software applications and desirable security measures. Research design Experimental design is proposed for the study’s quantitative approach. Blocked design will be used. It involves observation of data from partitioned sample space and suits the scope of the study that seeks data on features of integrated computing systems that can co-exist with an enterprise’s network, information on software applications are compatible with BYOD in an organization’s network, and security protocols that are suitable for BYOD in an enterprise’s network. Qualitative data will be collected based on participants’ experiences. The research design is predetermined and is therefore fixed. Role of the group members The group members will assume active roles in the research process. The group’s roles be gan with identification of the research’s title and scope, investigations into the study’s background information, and development of the research problem and research objectives. The groupalso assume the role of developing and implementing the research methodology. After data collection, the group will analyze the data and document research findings and recommendations to stakeholders to the study. Facilitators The group will also be facilitators of the study, will facilitate data collection processes, and technical aspects of data analysis and documentation of the study’s findings. Participants The study will involve three categories of participants, employees of

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Impact of Performance Appraisal System on Employee

Impact of Performance Appraisal System on Employee Research Background The proposal for this research is regarding investigating the impact of existing performance appraisal on the development of employees system in LT. Every company follows a method of performance evaluation. Performance appraisal process and evaluation is conducted with an aim to understand the level to which the employees of the company have achieved their targets. Performance appraisal is a periodical process whereby the supervisor observes his subordinate and reports his conclusions regarding the performance level at the end of each period. The superiors retrospect and make it a point that the employees are evaluated suitably. There are various kinds of performance appraisal method. Companies follow various kinds of appraisal methods like 360 degree feedback system, MBO, BARS, Critical incidence methods etc. Performance appraisal in every sense caters to the companys competitive advantage. The performance evaluation system helps the company retain its efficient employees; help the company to find out the areas were training needs to be provided; the company can also ensure that a common value system if followed. Thus aiding in complete development of the employees. Performance evaluation process will help the employees do an evaluation of themselves and work for improvements if any. This will ultimately lead to the development of the organization (Bratton and Gold, 1994).Thus every company tries to investigate the level to which its employees have achieved their targets and if not what are the measures to be taken for their performance improvement. LT follows the MBO model of performance appraisal in the company. MBO means management by objectives, in this kind of an appraisal process the superior and employee agree upon certain objectives. These objectives will be based on the overall target of the company. In this kind of an appraisal process the employees know beforehand as to what they need to achieve in the particular period of time. In LT since they follow this method the employees are aware of what is expected of them. In order bring specificity and quality to the process they performed the evaluation process based on SMART, which expands as specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time linked. Larsen Toubro- Company Description LT is one of the largest construction companies in India. ECC is the Engineering Construction and Contracts Division which is a reputed construction division of LT which has to its credit some of the monumental and modern buildings and constructions in India. The company not merely does the construction of buildings but also industrial structures, Flyovers and many more other large-scale construction works in India and abroad. The company carries out various projects that use high end technology and expertise. The company has various divisions around the country i.e. almost 7 offices regionally and nearly 250 work sites. Apart from Construction LT has various other businesses also, like the LT Infotech and insurance. Under ECC division the company has various strategic business units like the transportation infrastructure, Industrial projects and utilities, buildings and factories etc. The company employs a large number of people at managerial and non managerial level. Thus the company needs to have a well defined performance appraisal system. The company thus follows MBO method to evaluate it employees. The company has a well defined Human Resource Policy and system which enables the employees to work efficiently and effectively. Rationale for the research topic The topic Investigating the impact of existing performance appraisal system on employee development of Larsen Toubro, ECC division was chosen with an aim to identify the performance appraisal process followed in one of the largest construction companies in India. The research would help in analyzing the various performance appraisal problems in company like biasing etc. The study will also lead to analyzing the effectiveness of the performance appraisal process in identifying and bringing out the core competencies and role clarity in the employee. The research is meant to finally give recommendations and insights for the betterment of the performance evaluation in the company. Literature Review Armstrong in 2006 proposed that performance appraisal can be considered as an instrument to measure and utilize the technical skills and knowledge of employees in a better way as well as to equip them for facing the future challenges and goals. Performance appraisal can also be regarded as a method to obtain feedback about the performance effectiveness of employees in an organization (SzilagyiWallace 1990). A survey conducted by the CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) revealed that in the year 2005 almost 65% of organizations conducted annual appraisal for their employees. The companies which conducted appraisal twice a year accounted to 27%. From this it becomes clear that almost all organizations in the world now realize the importance of appraisal system. Employees are considered as valuable assets by present day organizations since the scarcity of skilled labor is high. Companies try all ways to retain their skilled employees and an effective performance appraisal system helps to keep track on the KSA (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities) of employees (Amstrong and Baron, 2004). The companies now recognize the fact that only high performing employees could help it to achieve it short-term and long-term objectives (Michlitsch ,2000). Edmonstone in 1996 stated that there exists many purposes for performance appraisal. This may include improving the communication between the superiors and employees with the help of feedback mechanism. This way it helps in building the rapport between the members of organization. Another purpose is that it helps to find out whether the employee lacks any skills and identify areas where he/she needs training. The standards kept for performance by the companies helps to identify those employees who need to be appraised and those who should be demoted. Public and private sector companies follow different methods of appraisal that suits their organization structure. But Boice Kleiner (1997) proposed that all successful appraisal methods have similar characteristics. But its difficult to measure performance in certain organizations and they face the difficulty of implementing an effective performance appraisal method. Marsden in 1999 explained that any appraisal system that cannot constantly measure job performance of employees cannot be regarded as effective. There are several methods of appraisal followed by organizations. The most common methods include 360 degree feedback, Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS), Management by Objectives (MBO), Balanced Score Card etc (Bohlander Snell 1998) The importance of communication in performance appraisal system was explained by OReilly and Anderson, (2006). They said that there should be an open communication between the employee and the superior. More they interact better would be the appraisal system. The manager could explain about the actual performance of employee and the expected performance. The method followed by LT is also based on communication. Appraisal method in LT, Chennai Larsen Toubro has adopted the method of MBO (Management by Objectives). This method was first introduced by Peter Drucker in 1954. In this method, the superior and subordinate conducts a meeting in which they jointly sets the objectives of the employee for the next appraisal period (Bohlander Snell 1998). The employee performance is evaluated on the basis on these pre-determined objectives. These objectives will be usually amount of sales, quantity of production etc. The organizational objectives are attained in this method with the help of a cyclical process. In this the management initially sets the objectives of organization followed by departmental objectives and finally individual goals. All these goals will be interconnected in such a way that fulfilling one of them will positively affect the other. Caroll and Tosi explained that MBO must fit into the philosophical framework of an organization. This is due to the reason that the management attitude and MBO must go hand in hand. Merely giving support to MBO through words is not sufficient. Lussier in 2008 explained about the possible reasons for the failure of MBO. A major reason behind the failure of MBO method is many companies is absence of commitment and follow-up from the management. Another reason is that management fails to convince employees that they are also an integral part of the decision making process. Employees feel that all major decisions and goal-setting have been done by the management without consulting them. When this happens, the employees will be less committed to work for the management and meet the objectives. The autonomous and dynamic involvement of employees can be considered as the most significant contribution of MBO to the communication mechanism within the company (Roodman Roodman 1973). Singla (2009) has explained the features of MBO method. All the activities included in this method are aimed at achieving the goals. The individual, departmental and organizational objectives are interconnected. Organization is considered as a dynamic entity in this method. MBO compares the resources available with objectives and makes the best match. This method is rather a philosophy or idea than a technique. MBO emphasizes on performance review and appraisal. The employees are given more autonomy in this method. Outcomes are given more weightage than the job. These features make the method of MBO unique from other methods of performance appraisal. Research Question One of the relevant questions that can be put forward in this context would be; what is the impact of performance appraisal system on employee development? Certain other kinds of questions that can be asked as per the topic are the following: Does the appraisal system aid in the performance improvement of the employee through proper training methods? Does the appraisal process bring about a positive relationship between the employees and the superiors? Is the appraisal process (MBO) followed in the company effective in utilizing the employs core competences for the betterment of the organization? Does the appraisal process clearly define the roles of the employees? Research Objectives General objective To investigate the impact of existing performance appraisal system on employee development. Specific objectives To study the effect of performance appraisal system on employee potential with respect to core competency. To evaluate the issues related to the performance appraisal process in the company. Methodology 7.1 Research design design adopted The research design includes the whole process of data analysis and study. This study follows a diagnostic research design where in the researcher identifies a problem related to the topic in the company. After diagnosing the problem the researcher goes on for an evaluation and ultimately finds a solution for the problem. The research design involves data collection through various means, after which the collected data is analyzed. The analysis will lead to giving solutions to the problem. The solutions obtained are recorded in the research as the result of the study. 7.2 Data Collection Methods (a) Sampling methods Sample is taken from the population of employees in LT ECC. The sampling method that can be followed in this research work is simple random sampling. In this kind of probability sampling every person in the population has an equal chance of being chosen for the study. The employees who are involved in the performance evaluation process are taken for the study. (b) Size of the sample The sample size chosen for the study will be 100. The data collection is done with the help of these 100 individuals chosen through simple random sampling. (c) Sampling Technique Sampling technique is the means by which the researcher chooses his respondents. Every research or study has a planned sampling process wherein the researcher clearly identifies the sample individuals for his study. The samples chosen depend upon the topic of the study because the respondents play a crucial role in formulating a result for the topic as they are asked to respond to the researchers questions through questionnaires etc. In this research the respondents will include both the managerial level employees and also the non managerial employees, as both the groups are involved in performance appraisal process. Questionnaire Questionnaire is a structured form of data collection used in any research. The researcher includes all the important questions regarding the topic in the questionnaire. The respondents chosen using the sampling method are identified and given the questionnaire for response. The respondents will respond to the questions in the questionnaire which will help the researcher gain an idea about the problems in the company. In this research at LT the researcher will be including questions related to the performance appraisal process and issues in the company, also the questions regarding employee development. The researcher can use this data for the purpose of drawing results for the problems identified. Interview The researcher may at times find it apt to collect data by interviewing the respondent. In such situations interview will be more useful compared to questionnaire. In case of this study the researcher can ask direct questions related to the performance appraisal method followed in the company. Interview method will give more precise answers as the interviewer can ask many questions on performance appraisal and also employee development compared to the questionnaire. The interviewer can ask questions related to the particular core competency of the employee. Interview can also include many suggestion questions as to what changes the employees would like to have in the process followed in the company. Telephonic interview can be done in this research. Data Analysis A research cannot be concluded with the help of a rough data. For a researcher to obtain the right kind of result for his study the researcher needs to formulate a method to analyze the data in the most suitable way. Thus data analysis part of the research is essential in the sense that it converts the raw data into a form that can be well understood. Data analysis in this study is done using SPSS which is a tool for data management. Data analysis refers to that stage in research process in which different statistical techniques are applied. One should have a clear understanding of statistical thinking behind a data analysing technique in order to explain it in detail (Ader, Mellenberg Hand(2008). Resource Requirements The resources for the study need to be obtained from the library and also the internet. The relevant information on the topic can be collected using primary and secondary means. Resources of other forms include printed materials like magazines of the company and also other reports and journals, websites are also an important means or source of data collection. The researcher can obtain primary data by means of structured questionnaires and telephonic interviews. These resources will help the researcher in his research as they provide the base for the researcher to work upon.

Friday, October 25, 2019

random liability law Essay -- essays research papers

WHEN IS A PLAINTIFF ENTITLED TO RECOVER? A. A plaintiff who was injured as as result of some negligent conduct on the part of a defendant is entitled to recover compensation for such injury from that defendant.A plaintiff is entitled to a verdict if jury finds1. That a defendant was negligent, and2. That such negligence was a cause of injury to the plaintiff. Q. WHAT IS NEGLIGENCE? Negligence is the doing of something which a reasonably prudent person would not do, or the failure to do something which a reasonably prudent person would do, under circumstances similar to those shown by the evidence.It is the failure to use ordinary or reasonable care.Ordinary or reasonable care is that care which persons of ordinary prudence would use in order to avoid injury to themselves or others under circumstances similar to those shown by the evidence. The person whose conduct we set up as a standard is not the extraordinarily cautious individual, nor the exceptionally skillful one, but a person of reasonable and ordinary prudence.One test that is helpful in determining whether or not a person was negligent is to ask and answer the question whether or not, if a person of ordinary prudence had been in the same situation and possessed of the same knowledge, he or she would have foreseen or anticipated that someone might have been injured by or as a result of his or her action or inaction. If the answer to that question is "yes", and if the action or inaction reasonably could have been avoided, then not to avoid it would be negligence. Q. HOW CAUTIOUS MUST SOMEONE BE? A. The amount of caution required of a person in the exercise of ordinary care depends upon the conditions that are apparent or that should be apparent to a reasonably prudent person under circumstances similar to those shown by the evidence. Q. CAN I ASSUME OTHER PEOPLE WILL BE CAREFUL AND FOLLOW THE LAW? A. Every person who, himself, is exercising ordinary care, has a right to assume that every other person will perform his duty and obey the law, and in the absence of reasonable cause for thinking otherwise, it is not negligence for such a person to fail to anticipate an accident which can occur only as a result of a violation of law or duty by another person. Q. WHAT ROLE DOES A LOCAL CUSTOM PLAY IN DETERMINING IF SOMEONE IS CAREFUL? A. Evidence as to whether or not a person con... ... Strict Liability Strict liability is different from a negligence theory in that the injured plaintiff need not show knowledge or fault on the manufacturer's part. The plaintiff must show only that the product was sold or distributed by a defendant, and that the product was unreasonably dangerous at the time it left the defendant's hands in order to prove liability on the part of such defendant. The behavior or knowledge (or lack of knowledge) of a products liability defendant regarding the dangerous nature of a product is not an issue for consideration under a strict liability theory. Strict liability concerns only the condition of the product itself. In contrast, a negligence theory concerns not only the product, but also the manufacturer's knowledge and conduct. "Strict liability", however, does not mean "absolute liability". Simply because a person is injured, he or she cannot assert strict liability and automatically recover. Instead, the injured consumer in asserting strict liability, still must prove his or her right to compensation by showing that the unreasonable dangerous condition of the product was what actually caused the injuries sustained. random liability law Essay -- essays research papers WHEN IS A PLAINTIFF ENTITLED TO RECOVER? A. A plaintiff who was injured as as result of some negligent conduct on the part of a defendant is entitled to recover compensation for such injury from that defendant.A plaintiff is entitled to a verdict if jury finds1. That a defendant was negligent, and2. That such negligence was a cause of injury to the plaintiff. Q. WHAT IS NEGLIGENCE? Negligence is the doing of something which a reasonably prudent person would not do, or the failure to do something which a reasonably prudent person would do, under circumstances similar to those shown by the evidence.It is the failure to use ordinary or reasonable care.Ordinary or reasonable care is that care which persons of ordinary prudence would use in order to avoid injury to themselves or others under circumstances similar to those shown by the evidence. The person whose conduct we set up as a standard is not the extraordinarily cautious individual, nor the exceptionally skillful one, but a person of reasonable and ordinary prudence.One test that is helpful in determining whether or not a person was negligent is to ask and answer the question whether or not, if a person of ordinary prudence had been in the same situation and possessed of the same knowledge, he or she would have foreseen or anticipated that someone might have been injured by or as a result of his or her action or inaction. If the answer to that question is "yes", and if the action or inaction reasonably could have been avoided, then not to avoid it would be negligence. Q. HOW CAUTIOUS MUST SOMEONE BE? A. The amount of caution required of a person in the exercise of ordinary care depends upon the conditions that are apparent or that should be apparent to a reasonably prudent person under circumstances similar to those shown by the evidence. Q. CAN I ASSUME OTHER PEOPLE WILL BE CAREFUL AND FOLLOW THE LAW? A. Every person who, himself, is exercising ordinary care, has a right to assume that every other person will perform his duty and obey the law, and in the absence of reasonable cause for thinking otherwise, it is not negligence for such a person to fail to anticipate an accident which can occur only as a result of a violation of law or duty by another person. Q. WHAT ROLE DOES A LOCAL CUSTOM PLAY IN DETERMINING IF SOMEONE IS CAREFUL? A. Evidence as to whether or not a person con... ... Strict Liability Strict liability is different from a negligence theory in that the injured plaintiff need not show knowledge or fault on the manufacturer's part. The plaintiff must show only that the product was sold or distributed by a defendant, and that the product was unreasonably dangerous at the time it left the defendant's hands in order to prove liability on the part of such defendant. The behavior or knowledge (or lack of knowledge) of a products liability defendant regarding the dangerous nature of a product is not an issue for consideration under a strict liability theory. Strict liability concerns only the condition of the product itself. In contrast, a negligence theory concerns not only the product, but also the manufacturer's knowledge and conduct. "Strict liability", however, does not mean "absolute liability". Simply because a person is injured, he or she cannot assert strict liability and automatically recover. Instead, the injured consumer in asserting strict liability, still must prove his or her right to compensation by showing that the unreasonable dangerous condition of the product was what actually caused the injuries sustained.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Communicating With and About People with Disabilities Essay

1. The network etiquette consists of some rules, which are important to adhere to, when you are in the cyberspace. There are several rules, which I comply with, when I am communicating in chats, discussing something in forums or exchanging letters. The first rule is that the relation with the interlocutor in the virtual world has to be like the one in the real world. The second rule is not to abuse your power. In my opinion, these rules are particularly important, because they encourage Internet users to be polite in the virtual space. The first rule is very important due to the fact that it always reminds you that in cyberspace you have to behave yourself as if you were speaking to a man or woman face to face. In my opinion, compliance with this rule helps you to observe other rules of network etiquette. The second rule reminds the Internet users to keep their advantages to themselves and not to use these advantages in their own interests. In wider context, this rule corresponds to the principle of tolerance, which is the cornerstone of the democratic society. Finally, in my point of view, observance of these two rules of etiquette helps you to behave politely in the cyberspace. 2. There are some suggestions of communicating with persons with disabilities, which I have never used before. These are some tips for communicating with individuals who are blind or visually impaired and suggestions that offer assistance, if the individual has difficulty opening a door (1, 2007). If I were therapist, I would always use these suggestions, in order to speak to people with disabilities. For example, when I am speaking with individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, my voice is very loud and clear. Sometimes I write what I want to say, so that the patient clearly understands me. If I had a patient with sign language interpreter, it would be very important to speak directly to the person and to look at the patient eyes, but not at the interpreter. In conclusion, observance of suggestions for communication with persons with disabilities allows me to approach their problems more closely. I would find common language with patients very quickly, and we   would understand each other better.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Behaviour Management

KIDS Positive Behaviour Management Policy and procedures Policy 33 1. Context KIDS has the following policy in place for positive behaviour management. In particular, it is recognised that some form of sanction will be necessary where there are instances of behaviours which would in any family or group environment be considered unacceptable; this policy provides guidance for use of appropriate and effective sanctions. This policy is supplemented by KIDS physical constraints and restraint policy and procedures. 2. General Positive behaviour management Policy 2. Philosophy KIDS believes that children flourish best when their personal, social and emotional needs are met and where there are clear developmentally appropriate expectation for their behaviour. KIDs aims to promote positive behaviour throughout its settings and to help the children understand and respect the needs and rights of others. 2. 2 Aims and guidelines These guidelines concern both the physical and emotional care of t he child(ren) looked after. 1. All children have certain physical and emotional needs. The most obvious ones are warmth, comfort, adequate food and sleeping arrangements, cleanliness, exercise and rest as necessary.Some children with a disability may have additional physical needs, such as extra warmth, physical supports and equipment, special exercises or physiotherapy and medical requirements. 2. The emotional needs of all children include security, affection, consistent responses from those around them, a recognisable routine (e. g. at bedtime and mealtimes), exceptions which are appropriate for their stage of development, and opportunities for playing and having fun and approval. 3. We expect our staff to be aware of these physical and emotional needs and, with the help of parents and KIDS staff to meet them for every child s/he cares for. . All children need to have limits set when their behaviour is not acceptable. If children feel secure and understood, the incidents of disru ptive behaviour are greatly reduced. Children rarely demonstrate inappropriate behaviour without good reason. It is the task of the worker to try and understand why a child is behaving in a particular way. 2. 3 Appropriate use of sanctions Any sanction used must be related to the child’s age and level of understanding, realistic and sensitive; enforceable, and applied consistently.It is preferable, if possible, that there is continuity in the setting of limits and how behaviour is managed between all those involved in the care of a child. 3. Positive behaviour management procedures †¢ Reasonable steps must be taken at all times to ensure a healthy and safe environment. Staff provide a role model for children, and the development of consistent attitudes to safety and good practice by staff should have a beneficial effect upon the children. †¢ Basic playground rules – drawn up in consultation with the children -help ensure the service operates smoothly. There s hould be a friendly, welcoming atmosphere that promotes respect between all children and Playworkers. †¢ There should be a wide range of culturally appropriate activities and images available to all the children. †¢ The team must be consistent in the methods they use, back each other up and support each other. Experiences should be shared and discussed at team meetings. †¢ Staff should challenge discriminatory comments (see KIDs anti bullying policy) and take positive action to overcome unacceptable behaviour.Strategies for dealing with this should be discussed with staff and, where appropriate, parents/carers. Staff should talk to children about their behaviour and consequences of negative behaviour. 4. Dealing with conflict 4. 1 Dealing with conflict: principles All playgrounds aim to develop a safe environment in which children are encouraged to express themselves freely, and which fosters the social and emotional development of the children who come to the site. C onflicts do arise at times, and incidents need to be handled sensitively and consistently.Conflicts can occur for various resons, including frustration, disruptive/uncooperative behaviour, lack of space, competition over equipment, bullying and teasing, and misunderstandings When conflicts do arise it is essential that: †¢ Actions are taken to calm the children down, and to allow them to express how they are feeling in a way that is safe to other children. †¢ A positive, calm approach is maintained, both physically and verbally. †¢ Negative behaviour is not rewarded. †¢ The response to a situation should take account of the child’s level of understanding/ability. Blame is not attributed to individuals in situations involving more than one child. The focus should always be on dealing with unacceptable behaviour, the children should never feel it is they who are unacceptable. 4. 2 Effective and appropriate sanctions The principles of effective sanctions are generally that they should: Be as informal as possible, and not escalate. Be as balanced by rewards Be as near in time as possible to the offence, be relevant and understood, and be seen to be just. Follow from clear rules and explanations from the worker as to what is expected of the child.The following are examples of what sanctions may be used: Reasonable defence of oneself from, or restraint of, a child who is lashing out. â€Å"Holding† firmly, but carefully, can be helpful to a younger child. If in the situation of any of these are likely to lead to injury, it is sensible not to use them, and to know what or may not be safe in relation to the child’s disability. Shouting or clapping your hands, for example, as a distraction to a toddler in a dangerous situation. Withdrawal of sweets or special food/ drink treats, or TV, for a limited period – the younger the child, the shorter the length of time this should continue.Sending a child to another room for a sh ort period (but checking on them regularly whilst they are alone is sensible and shows you are still caring). Imposing closer supervision – keeping the child with you. Keep balancing the sanctions with rewards (especially praise) for good behaviour, so that the negative cycle does not take over. Keep a record of problems and sanctions so that you can refer to it to keep an account of the child’s progress and also for reasons of accountability is a complaint is made. It is sometimes necessary to physically retrain a child who is about to harm him/herself, others or property.For conditions and procedures applicable to physical restraint, please refer to KIDS Physical contact and restraint policy. All uses of physical restraint must be recorded. 4. 3 Examples of unacceptable sanctions The list below is intended as general guidance of sanctions that are unacceptable and is not inclusive. The omission of any particular practice does not imply that is it acceptable. Staff wi ll have the opportunity to raise issues arising from their work, for discussion and clarification within supervision. Use corporal punishment e. g. lapping, hitting a child with an implement (for example, a belt or slipper), throwing a missile, shaking, rough handling, squeezing, pushing and punching/ Impose a punishment which ridicules a child e. g. clothes which draw attention to them inappropriately, clothes which are too small or too large, pyjamas during the day, humiliating a child deliberately in front of others. Deny a child food or drink, or the normal ranges/he expects. Coerce a child to eat what you know s/he does not like and is not normally expected to eat. Deliberately frighten, intimidate, threaten or belittle a child, or lock her/ him in e. . a cupboard, bedroom, or send them to bed unreasonably early. Restrict or withhold medication, which could be dangerous. Deprive a child of sleep. Involve the child in any physical contact, which is inappropriate in view of their history, which s/he might see as threatening or uncomfortable, or which exposes the worker or child to the arousal of sexual feelings. Review This policy will be reviewed annually and if necessary adjusted to: – incorporate any changes to legislation; – include any improvements that may have been identified. Most recent review: May 2008

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Dental Cavities essays

Dental Cavities essays There should be much more public awareness of dental caries because it threatens the beauty of a large number of people in society. Cavities are diseases of the teeth that may affect the structure and strength of the tooth and make it weaker, which cause its loss. It is typically a hole in the tooth that alters in appearance and structure(Dental Caries.1998, Dental Cavities....) . It is important for people to know more about cavities because this is will help them to avoid the things that may cause cavities to them. We can treat this diseases by many ways such as we can replaced plaque with filling. This report was written as apart of the coursework for Bills II. I will give the reader information about the cavities and how can we treat it. I decided to write about this topic because it accord to my family and me it is very serious problem in which we faced a lot of problem and pains and we all suffered. The information was obtained basically from web sites, books and encyclopedias. I would like to introduce the issue of tooth caries and cavities in my research .In addition; I will define tooth decay and outline its risk, the causes and symptoms of the disease. Moreover, I will discuss some successful ways to reduce the chances of getting tooth cavities and eliminating all the harms that may be caused. Tooth cavity is a serious problem that affects children and adults badly and causes a lot of pain. In addition, it is one of the most essential causes of tooth loss that may interfere in the personal beauty and outer appearance of a person. That is mainly why I chose this disease as a topic in my research in order to minimize the risks and harms of this effective disease.(Dental Caries.9 Sep 2002). Cavities are diseases of the teeth that may affect the structure and strength of the tooth and make it weaker, which cause its loss. It is typically a hole in the tooth that alters in appearance and structure(Dental Caries.19...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Hydration Creatine Phosphate Energy Essay

Hydration Creatine Phosphate Energy Essay Hydration: Creatine Phosphate Energy Essay Unit 1 principles of anatomy and physiology in sport Energy systems There are three different types of energy systems within the body. Through the use of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) the body is able to maintain a constant supply of energy. APT is formed during a reaction between adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and a molecule of phosphate. ATP consists of a molecule of adenine and three phosphate groups. When the ADP joins with the phosphate molecule energy is stored within the bonds, when the bonds are broken the energy is released. Energy can also be released when ATP is combined with water. The body can function both aerobically and anaerobically this allows different body systems to use the one which will be most beneficial to them. During prolonged activities there will be a high amount of oxygen required will be powered by aerobic systems. For activities which require no or very little amounts of oxygen will be powered by anaerobic systems. Energy is acquired through the oxidation of mainly carbohydrates and fats. When carbohydrates are broken down they change into glucose, this can then be stored by the body as glycogen in the liver and muscles. Fats are broken down to form fatty acids. There is three ways in which ATP can be produced these are creatine phosphate energy system, the lactic acid energy system and the aerobic energy system. The creatine phosphate energy system The creatine phosphate energy system is the first energy system; it is made up of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and creatine phosphate. It is readily available and produces ATP rapidly, although it only exists in limited concentrations, only lasting for 10 seconds. The creatine phosphate is stored within the muscles and is used when the need for energy is instant or the intensity is high. This is most likely in sports such as sprinting and power events. This type of energy system produces ATP without the use of oxygen as it is such a quick process; this is why it only allows it to be used for very short periods of time. The creatine phosphate produces one molecule of ATP and one of creatine. Lactic acid energy system This is the second energy system which is able to sustain the body for longer periods of time but still at a high intensity. In this process energy is produced by the breakdown of glucose and glycogen. Just as the creatine phosphate system this works anaerobically which means without the presence of oxygen, therefore this limits in to working for only 60-90 seconds. This type of energy system would be used for activities such as the 400m which still require high intensity but over a longer period of time. During this process glucose if obtained from foods such as fats and carbohydrates, if the glucose is not required at that time it will then be stored in the body as glycogen. When glucose is broken down it produced 2 molecules of ATP as well as 2 lactic acid and heat. When glycogen is broken down it produces 2 molecules of ATP, 2 lactic acid and heat. Lactic acid is the by-product which is produced; it builds up and then diffuses into the blood and tissue fluid. When lactic acid is not removed it causes the muscles to stop contracting and fatigue will set in. Aerobic energy system The aerobic energy system produces large amounts of energy but which can last for long periods of time at low intensity. It is the long term energy system which is used in everyday activities. In the presence of oxygen glycogen and fatty acids break down producing ATP. Glucose produces 38 ATP, carbon dioxide, water and heat. When fatty acids break down they produce 129ATP, carbon dioxide, water and heat. Carbon dioxide, water and heat are the by-products but unlike lactic acid to not affect the muscles ability to contract. Recovery periods Depending on the type and intensity of activity the recovery periods will differ in order to take into account the amount of damage to the body. The length of a recovery period depends

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Analysing Early Marriage In Egypt Religion Essay

Analysing Early Marriage In Egypt Religion Essay Marriage is wonderful event, it bears a lot of meanings such as love, care, and responsibility. Early marriage may look like any other marriage but it has many different consequences. In that paper I will talk about the early marriage in Egypt and in the Middle East explaining its effects on the spouses and their future children. Introduction Marriage is a very happy celebration throughout the world, however, that celebration doesn’t happen in early marriage cases, there a lot of women that get married while they are still under eighteen years of age, and that happens in many different countries and nations of the world; some parents just force their daughters into marriage in that age to get fortune, titles, or for other social reasons. I believe that early marriage is definitely against all the natural human rights because early marriage will subsequently lead to early pregnancy and early responsibilities that may cause financial or even psychological problems to the parent s. Early marriage doesn’t have only negative effects on the young girl or boy only; it also extends to a series of worse effects on their children and the whole society. The Universal Declaration of Human rights suggests that the â€Å"free and full† right cannot be put into consideration or even discussed if one of the two parties is not able to take decide whether his partner suitable or not because of his lack of experience. There may be many shapes and forms of early marriage and there may be a lot of causes, but the only thing that matters is the impact of that marriage on your child regardless his gender. In that paper I will discuss the early marriage as it deprives the young kids from their childhood, and the effects of that marriage on them and the society as a whole, I will also explain its causes and its relation with poverty, overpopulation and social culture. Review of literature Neglecting the woman’s rights UNICEF (2001) and Lefevre, Murphy and Qu iroga (2004) have stated that marriage is a lovely event all over the world, it means that each of the partners is ready to share his life with the other one and is ready to bear responsibility, however, early marriage cuts the childhood of the boy or the girl and it takes place when at least one of them is not ready to be responsible even for himself therefore early marriage will just deprive him from his fundamental rights. Otoo-Oyotey and Pobi (2003) confirms that early marriage is usually arranged by the parents and they don’t care about the interest of their child in most of the cases, and those marriages often includes some force elements. Causes of early marriage P.M.Fayez (2006) has stated that parents are forcing their daughters into early marriage because they believe that by doing that they will get social and financial benefits and will reduce their financial burden Matmur (2003) and Nour (2006) have both said that parents would encourage early marriage of their y oung daughters because they see her as a financial burden where one daughter less is one mouth less to be fed

Friday, October 18, 2019

NOKIA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

NOKIA - Essay Example eting Mix is a combination of variables which can be controlled by the organization, and those variables which can be used to increase the buyer’s numbers and also improve the buyer’s response. The variables are the 4p’s of marketing mix which are the Product, Price, Place, and Promotion of every product launched by every company as every firm tries to create all these variables in the correct perfection to achieve the highest customer satisfaction (Burrow, 2011, pp. 172-177). This refers to the various goods and the particular services being provided by the company to its target customers. Customers do buy a particular product because of their needs and they look to get high level of satisfaction from the product which they buy and spend their money in buying. Price is the variable which refers to the amount that the particular product or service is been charged from the customers. It is one of the very important variables as setting up the right price for the product or service is very important, as it affects a lot on the buyer’s buying decision. The goods or services been provided to the customers must be at the reach of the customers, customers will always prefer a service or a product which is easily available to them. So deciding the correct place for the launch of the particular product and the chain through which it is been launched is very important decision to be made. Customers must have the knowledge about the products or services that are been developed by the companies. For making the products visible and creating its brand image in the market it is very important to pitch the product in the market in the correct way using the various platforms like advertising, publicity and sales promotion. This helps the company to make their products visible to the customers and make their message reach the customers (Belchand and Michael, 2005, pp. 75-82). Nokia started way back in 1865, it first started with the production of paper that was been

Ethical Scenarios Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethical Scenarios - Essay Example I would ask my teammate to exclude me from her deceptive behavior. By asking Stephanie to lie, she compromises Stephanie's sense of moral judgment and is put in the awkward position of telling a lie or betraying a friend. It would not be in Stephanie's interest to allow herself to be placed in that position. It is emotional extortion and I would only say that if you want to know the whereabouts of my teammate, you need to ask her. Corin is acting in their own self centered world without regards to the team. His actions are bringing the teams performance down and in doing so he has ignored the goals of the team. To achieve goals, Corin needs to set aside his personal feelings and work to achieve the teams objectives. The performance may not mean anything to Corin, but they do to the team and that's what the decision should be based on. Darcie is acting admirably in a goal based ethics system. She has two goals, the team and learning marketing. Neither goal can be achieved by dropping the class. Part of operating with goal based ethics is the concept that the goal is what is important. You may have to sacrifice other self-interest objectives to accomplish your goal. By working with the team she can accomplish both of her goals. Jerry and Samantha are correct in believing that everyone

We should provide food for the poor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

We should provide food for the poor - Essay Example Beri beri primarily results from lack of vitamin B or thiamin. Poor people who suffer from malnutrition have a high likelihood of developing beri beri, as well as other deadly diseases such as anemia and scurvy (Karlan & Appel, 2012). Diseases increase the likelihood of nutritional deficiency; therefore, poor people are at great risk of malnutrition. In addition, poor people, especially in underdeveloped and developing countries also die as a result of problems with the land they live on and till, for instance, famine and drought are known to cause massive losses of human lives amongst poor people. Children are the most affected group of people in the event of such tough climatic conditions. To date, famine is one of the most common causes of death in underdeveloped and developing countries. Most of these deaths occur among children who often receive small food portions if any, despite the fact that they need it the most since they are still growing. During tough climatic conditions such as drought and famine, countries’ food supplies decrease substantially (Karlan & Appel, 2012). Poor people, especially those in underdeveloped countries suffer all these problems, and it is up to the privileged members of the society to assist them. It is quite possible to deter the suffering and death or poor people as a result of inadequate food and malnutrition. People should give sufficient food supplies to poor people because all human beings are entitled to lead healthy and fulfilled lives, which includes having sufficient food quantities and quality. From an ethical point of view, people should provide food to the poor since it is the morally upright thing to do. Ethical p rinciples such as utilitarian principles advocate for people to give up their interests for the wellbeing of the greatest number of people. Sacrifice, in this sense, does not mean giving to the poor more than a person can afford, but rather means giving up something of value to oneself in

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Quality improvement in real estate Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Quality improvement in real estate - Term Paper Example Vision – The vision of the company is to become one of the most reliable and preferred real estate firms. The company aims to provide most innovative and creative services to our valued customers consistently. Mission – Mobilizing and delivering best services on basis of our vast knowledge, human resource talent, and by taking most informed decisions. The core values of the company are, Trust and collaboration Respect Integrity Identification of Active Quality Programs The company implements quality assurance and control systems based on latest available technologies and ISO standards that are widely recognized internationally. The decision to adopt ISO standards were made keeping in mind future overseas expansion. The company carries out extensive research to identify the necessary areas of improvement related to quality assurance and control concept. The process involves surveying the active quality programs of other private real estate firms. The company has dedicate d research department that works with talented employees in respective domains. The company’s active quality programs, primarily centered on internal control and quality assurance, are strategically planned keeping in mind all the current legal aspects. One of the most challenging tasks for a real estate firm is to acquire land without any hassles. The success of the firm will depend on how effectively the company identifies controls, manages and improves their active quality programs. Thus, processes must be repeatable and measurable and only then areas of further improvement could be identified and necessary steps may be taken for improvement. Some of the active quality programs initiated by the company are, Deming Cycle Analysis – The cycle may be broken into four phases namely Plan, Do, Study and Act. As discussed earlier, the company has dedicated department for research and analytical activities that specializes in this sort of activities (Evans, 2013, pp.157-158 ). Seven QC Tools – The Company uses these tools, as per requirement client requirements, to chart and identify logical sequences of activities, flow of information and materials. Lean Sigma – The Company integrates improvement methods in order to increase efficiency, reduce defects, wastes, and variances. Brief Explanation of Job As the owner of Real Estate Corporation, it is my responsibility to oversee every active operations of business. In broader perspective, my job includes business planning (drawing business strategy), planning Human Resource and marketing strategies; ensure efficient customer service and management of financial resources. More specifically, as the owner of corporation it is my duty to constantly motivate managers and employees with effective leadership skills targeted at maintaining employee commitment. All projects are passed after my final approval but they are initially analyzed by the project manager. The finance manager prepares annual bu dget after consulting with me and other co-founders. I am also the Executive CEO of the company that helps me to regularly communicate with employees of all stages of hierarchy, understand their problems, appreciate new ideas, and create a more cooperative environment. The constant interaction with all levels of the company helps to enforce greater control and responsibility over business. Identification of Major Processes of Engagement The company provides commercial real estate services to customer group

Thought Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Thought - Essay Example According to the traffic regulations and safety expectations, it is not advisable to drive under the influence of alcohol. As such, devices that can sense alcohol can communicate with the driver and inform him when it is safe to drive. Such a device can also lock the car until the drivers sobers up such that he can drive well. The other thing that can be communicated to me by these devices is the element of giving direction. In the event that I am lost or I have diverted from my route, the device can tell me that I should stop and navigate my way towards the right direction. When you get into a new place, it can be noted that it is very easy to get lost and this can happen when there is no one in site. Given such a scenario, I can communicate with the device in the car to give me the right direction. devices can also talk to me about the general issues of the environment I would be driving. These devices can sense if the terrain is good for my car and they can inform me the appropriate road to follow in the event that some parts of the road are damaged. In the same vein, such a device can warn me to slow down when I am approaching depressions along the road. This will help me to maintain reasonable speed that does not harm my vehicle. The devices mentioned above can also be used to communicate with me in the event of any malfunction of different parts of my car. In some cases, there are certain parts that can malfunction but the car can still move. Such problems are often difficult to diagnose and in some cases they can be taken for granted by the motorists but the truth is that they pose a real threat to the vehicle and the motorist as well. Though minor, such problems can culminate into bigger problems that may be costly and difficult to repair. As such, whenever a problem has been detected, the devices mentioned above can talk to me so that I can take action. They can also communicate with me so that I can

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

We should provide food for the poor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

We should provide food for the poor - Essay Example Beri beri primarily results from lack of vitamin B or thiamin. Poor people who suffer from malnutrition have a high likelihood of developing beri beri, as well as other deadly diseases such as anemia and scurvy (Karlan & Appel, 2012). Diseases increase the likelihood of nutritional deficiency; therefore, poor people are at great risk of malnutrition. In addition, poor people, especially in underdeveloped and developing countries also die as a result of problems with the land they live on and till, for instance, famine and drought are known to cause massive losses of human lives amongst poor people. Children are the most affected group of people in the event of such tough climatic conditions. To date, famine is one of the most common causes of death in underdeveloped and developing countries. Most of these deaths occur among children who often receive small food portions if any, despite the fact that they need it the most since they are still growing. During tough climatic conditions such as drought and famine, countries’ food supplies decrease substantially (Karlan & Appel, 2012). Poor people, especially those in underdeveloped countries suffer all these problems, and it is up to the privileged members of the society to assist them. It is quite possible to deter the suffering and death or poor people as a result of inadequate food and malnutrition. People should give sufficient food supplies to poor people because all human beings are entitled to lead healthy and fulfilled lives, which includes having sufficient food quantities and quality. From an ethical point of view, people should provide food to the poor since it is the morally upright thing to do. Ethical p rinciples such as utilitarian principles advocate for people to give up their interests for the wellbeing of the greatest number of people. Sacrifice, in this sense, does not mean giving to the poor more than a person can afford, but rather means giving up something of value to oneself in

Thought Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Thought - Essay Example According to the traffic regulations and safety expectations, it is not advisable to drive under the influence of alcohol. As such, devices that can sense alcohol can communicate with the driver and inform him when it is safe to drive. Such a device can also lock the car until the drivers sobers up such that he can drive well. The other thing that can be communicated to me by these devices is the element of giving direction. In the event that I am lost or I have diverted from my route, the device can tell me that I should stop and navigate my way towards the right direction. When you get into a new place, it can be noted that it is very easy to get lost and this can happen when there is no one in site. Given such a scenario, I can communicate with the device in the car to give me the right direction. devices can also talk to me about the general issues of the environment I would be driving. These devices can sense if the terrain is good for my car and they can inform me the appropriate road to follow in the event that some parts of the road are damaged. In the same vein, such a device can warn me to slow down when I am approaching depressions along the road. This will help me to maintain reasonable speed that does not harm my vehicle. The devices mentioned above can also be used to communicate with me in the event of any malfunction of different parts of my car. In some cases, there are certain parts that can malfunction but the car can still move. Such problems are often difficult to diagnose and in some cases they can be taken for granted by the motorists but the truth is that they pose a real threat to the vehicle and the motorist as well. Though minor, such problems can culminate into bigger problems that may be costly and difficult to repair. As such, whenever a problem has been detected, the devices mentioned above can talk to me so that I can take action. They can also communicate with me so that I can

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Image of Faith in Islam Essay Example for Free

Image of Faith in Islam Essay This paper elucidates the meaning of faith in Islam and the image and branches related to it. The paper is based on the saying by Prophet Mohammad P. B. U. H regarding faith and the branches of faith. The seventy branches mentioned in the saying and the highest and lowest of these branches are discussed in this paper. The highest branch mentioned is to believe and say that there is no God but Allah and the lowest of these branches is to remove a harmful object from the path. Muslims follow this saying in various ways and this is reflected in other sayings from the Prophet and in the Quran. The meaning of faith has been depicted in various verses of the Quran and different sayings of the Holy Prophet P. B. U. H. Muslims follow this saying as an approach to carrying out the day to day functions of life. According to the saying by Prophet Mohammed P. B. U. H â€Å"Faith has over seventy branches, and modesty is a branch of faith† (Muslim, 1971). This meaning of faith for Muslims is very important as it provides them with a code of life. The number sixty or seventy does not mean an exact number of branches it just implies that in Islam the branches of faith are multiple. The highest branch is to say there is only one God frees a human being from worship to all other deities like idols, animals or any other being. This is the foundation of Islam which indicates there is no God but Allah and Muslims worship only one God. It should be noticed that modesty has been given special emphasis in the saying by the Prophet P. B. U.  H; it is mentioned because it provides protection against deeds like theft, adultery, abusive language and other such wrong doings (As-sidq. org, 2006). The Muslims lead their lives based on this very saying as the highest and lowest levels or branches of Islam are mentioned as the belief in one God and the removal of a harmful object from the path, this would mean anything between these branches is the code of life for the Muslims. This is symbolic to Islam as this provides the overall functionality of people who follow Islam. Islam is depicted as a religion of peace and harmony. If we consider the last branch which is the removal of a harmful object from the path signifies the wellbeing of other people who might use the same path at a later time. If this is the lowest branch then the higher branches would have more consideration for the well being of other people and this is the core of Islam. Islam is a religion symbolic of consideration and courtesy for others and all Muslims are regarded as brothers to each other. If all the Muslims have the same consideration for one another then Islam as a society would be an entity where people live to achieve harmony through cooperation and coordination.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Communicative Language Teaching And Communicative Competence

Communicative Language Teaching And Communicative Competence Hymes pointed out that those rules are the knowledge of the rules of socio-cultural communication with others; how, what, where, when and in what aspect language is spoken in a proposed society. Therefore, according to Chomsky it can be described as the knowledge of the grammatical and speech rules of a language and the ability to use these rules in the away that does not deviate from the native-speakers style to use the language. Hymes, however declared that this definition is not appropriate and, instead, he suggested that effective performance is not the result of linguistic competence given by Chomsky, but by knowledge of the rules of the socio-cultural communication too, and hence communicative competence is actually what results in appropriate performance. Hymes theory took the attention of many syllabus designers to adopt on communicative competence. For instance, Canale and Swain, suggested models for classroom teaching using Hymes views. Van Ek and Alexander (1975), and Wilkins (1976) presented the Notional Syllabus. This syllabus is distinguished by its attention to functions and notions as applications of Hymes views. Curriculum writers like Widdowson (1978,1979), Munby (1978), Breen and Candlin (1980), Littlewood (1981), Brumfit and Johnson (1983), Yalden (1983) Johnson, applied Hymes views and devised communicative teaching materials based on these views (Richards and Rodgers, 2001). The CLT has been widespread based on Hymes views occurred in the 1970s. It has established as an approach in the field of language teaching, in which the four language skills (reading, listening, writing and speaking) are correlated appropriately, comprehensively and communicatively. This way of teaching defers it from the other teaching methods as for it engages the teachers and students, along with and the materials working as one component towards the use of language as one unit. Lindsay (2006: 21) points out that it could be said that the communicative method is a result of linguists satisfactory with the traditional methods as these methods put little, if any, emphasis on the ability to communicate or interact. However, Richards Rogers (1986: 50) pointed out that Communicative Language Teaching is best considered as an approach rather than a method. Also, Rogers (2001: 9- 10) made a distinction between methods and approaches: methods are teaching systems with prescribed techniques and practices, but approaches deal with language teaching philosophies that can be implemented in the classroom in different styles. Widdowson (1990: 159) explained that the communicative approach concentrates on getting learners to do things with language, to express concepts and to carry out communicative acts of various kinds. The content of a language course is now defined not in terms of forms, words and sentence patterns, but in terms of concepts, or notions, which such forms are used to express, and the communicative functions which they are used to perform. Richards Rogers (1986: 49) stated that the theory of teaching underlying the Communicative Approach is holistic rather than behaviouristic. It starts from a theory of language as communication, which implies knowledge of the grammatical system as well as performance. Also, Aqel (2006) pointed out that the aim of this Communicative approach is to prepare students for meaningful communication, where errors are tolerated. The amount of exercises and activities involved with a communicative approach is not restricted and connected with the constructivist theory of learning. George (1999: 16-17) pointed out that Constructivism is basically a theory based on observation and scientific study about how people learn. It says that people construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world, through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences. This means that the students effectively create their own subjective representations of objective reality. In addition, the teacher in communicative approach is not the centre of all classroom activities as the focus is mainly directed towards the learners (p. 22). Lantolf (2000) called the communicative methodology and constructivist theory of learning activity theories. It means that teachers and students have to interact and reconstruct socially with ideas and knowledge. (pp. 12-13). 2.2 Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Communicative Competence (CC) The difference between CLT and traditional teaching methods, like the grammar translation method (GTM) and the audio- lingual method (ALM), is that the CLT approach mainly focuses in teaching and learning a language. The basic goals of teaching using the CLT approach is not rather its structure but communicative function (Littlewood, 1981; 1998). That is, the main goal of teaching and learning a language is to improve students communicative competence (Li, 1998). Thus, theoretically, it is useful to understand and introduce what is communicative competence, before understanding CLT. 2.2.1 Communicative Competence: In the 1970s, many researchers distinguished between linguistic and communicative competence (Hymes, 1967; Paulston, 1974) to point out the difference between the knowledge of the language forms and knowledge that help learners communicate functionally and interactionally. According to Savignon (1997: 272) Communicative Competence is: functional language proficiency; the expression, interpretation, and negotiation of meaning involving interaction between two or more persons belonging to the same (or different) speech community. In addition, Savignon divided communicative competence as having the following elements; 1) communicative competence is a dynamic, but not a static concept. It depends on the negotiation of meaning between two or more learners who share to some extent the same symbolic system; 2) communicative competence involved in both written and spoken language, as well as to many other symbolic systems; 3) communicative competence is context specific. Communication takes place in an infinite variety of situations, and success in a particular role depends on ones knowledge of the context; 4) competence and performance defers theoretically. Competence is defined as a presumed underlying ability whereas performance as the overt manifestation of that ability. Competence is what one knows. Performance is what one does and 5) communicative competence is relative, not absolute, and depends on the cooperation of all the participants (p. 14-15). Savignon has worked on communicative competence, and her work is known and considered in the field. However, Canale and Swain (1980) presented the four- area framework of knowledge and skill regarding communicative competence. They declared that communicative competence involves grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence, and strategic competence. Then Canale (1983: 7) pointed that grammatical competence focuses directly on the knowledge and skill required to understand and express accurately the literal meaning of utterances. Sociolinguistic competence refers to the learners ability to use the language appropriately in social contexts. Therefore sociolinguistic competence shows the learners ability to go beyond the literal meaning of utterances and recognize what is the intent of such utterances in particular social situations. In addition, Canale (1983: 8) says that sociolinguistic competence is important in explaining utterances for their social meaning. It is important to acknowledge that communicative competence is a major aspect of CLT, and teachers are said to understand its many aspects. 2.2.2 Communicative Language Teaching: Researchers and linguistics have focused on the shift from the language to communication. Brumfit (1988) referred to communication as a task to be performed,

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Classification Essay - The Types of Kids that Make Up My Generation

Classification Essay –The Types of Kids that Make Up My Generation One of the things that has troubled me as of late is my generation. The generation that is referred to is the group of people currently aged 15-21 - whether or not this is a "generation," so to speak, is irrelevant. These people, for the most part, disturb me. It frightens me to know that the people that I've grown up with are going to be leading the country and the world in the decades to come. The overwhelming majority of the kids that I've come in contact with over the past few years are apathetic monsters. They don't care about school, they don't care about themselves, and they don't care about their future. To dissect the three aforementioned attributes... Kids don't care about school. Why is it that so many kids decide that ditching school on a fairly consistent basis and/or not caring at all about their grades is the right thing to do? What could possibly be more important than school at such an age? You're a fool to tell me that getting high, going to a mall, getting trashed or any other alternative is better than going to school. You're a fool to tell me that the sole point of going to school is to see and gossip about other people with your friends. An education is the gateway to future success. The kids who don't care about school (all too many) are living for the moment, and not thinking about the long run. Instead of channelling their energies into studying, they instead take the easy way out and have fun. Who wants an incompentant oaf for President? Kids don't care about themselves. Why is it that so many kids decide that injecting themselves with various chemicals is the right thing to do? I can't tell you how many und... that there are other, harmless ways to set themselves aside from others; they also don't realize the irony that their rebellion is actually quite conformist, seeing how there already is a sizable portion of the population that can be labeled rebels. The second sad trait to this is that other, "normal" (meaning non-sheep and non-rebels) people take to liking these individuals, whether it be as friends or romantically. How a rational-thinking person can identify with these out-of-touch miscreants is beyond my comprehension. The so-called rebels act ridiculously outlandish, only to inexplicably generate positive responses from their sickening behavior from others. The rebels crave attention, and the way that they get it is through their ludicrous conduct. God forbid if they don't draw any attention... What do you think is responsible for all of the school shootings?

Saturday, October 12, 2019

American Based Media Corporations: Opening the Global Lines of Communic

Abstract The world is separated by many barriers that are today being overcome by technology. Leading the way in this explosion are American based media corporations. Earlier on many businesses saw investing in operations overseas as being a waste of money and time. Americans have had the tendency to think that the world revolves around them. This thought process has kept many companies from expanding into the international markets. The American culture dominance in regards to music, style and way of life is spreading like wildfire through out the world. Issue Paper American Based Media Corporations: Opening the Global Lines of Communication In the last twenty years technology has made expansion into overseas arenas much easier than ever before. Today American companies are relentlessly trying to capitalize on the popularity of the US culture in foreign markets. Media companies cross nationalism is no surprise in light of the fact that they have always been operating on the cutting edge. The media has a great deal of control over what people see, hear and read on a daily basis. Technology has benefited a great deal from media companies exposing new inventions and other advancements for the public to see. Media companies are also responsible for the spread of the American pop culture, which has endeared itself to many in different countries. The are several media companies capitalizing on the American pop culture boom, but the focus of this paper will be placed on three specific types of media corporations. The Associated Press, AT&T and YAR Communications deal in totally different areas of media but they all have one thing in common, they have intensely sought after the foreign market. The Associated Press In 18... ...In order to remain profitable in such competitive market a company must provide a product or service that spans the global in appeal. The vast media arena is ever changing as innovative young minds continue to find new ways to make success an inevitable fact. In essence the public will have the final say so in which business will sink or swim in the media global marketplace. The tough decisions are made on the streets and not in the boardroom. Over the years the streets have called for a more diversified aspect of the media. The companies mentioned above are leaders in this respective services they provide and will continue to play a major role in global media. Works Cited "The Associated Press." Website. anniversary/nhistory/past50.html. "AT&T Corp." Website. "YAR Communications." Website.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Pob Marketing Sba Essay

This study seeks to investigate the marketing strategy of Kenlee’s & Company Cereal Limited (KCCL). This successful cereal producer prides itself on having a quality product and a policy of putting customer satisfaction first. The importance of the marketing mix, market research, competitors, substitutes and customer satisfaction all impact on the strategy adopted by KCCL. The impact of branding and the various choices available to the marketing department will be discussed and the Ethical responsibility KCCL owes to its customers will be highlighted. Description of the Business Kenlee Cereal & Company Limited (KCCL) was founded in 1987 as a privately owned family business. The company is involved in the production and marketing of cereals. In1997 it took on a partner to provide more capital. It is also a limited liability business. This medium sized company employs 50 persons. It is financed by loans, personal savings and investments through its partnership with its local business partner Erica’s Country Styled Honey Roasted Peanuts. KCCL is located off the Sir Solomon Hochoy Highway close to the Presal fly-over. It plans to become the leading exporter of cereals in the Caribbean and thereafter the international market. Organization of the Marketing Department Organization of the Marketing Department Marketing Manager: – The Marketing Manager is responsible for the cereal marketing and also the profit and loss of his department. Advertising Manager:- The Advertising Manager oversees the whole process of advertising for KCCL. The process begins from market research and finally leading to the actual sales. Advertising at KCCL is based on the image the company seeks to portray. In this case, the company is concerned about producing a cheap, quality, nutritious and tasty product. Sales Manager:- Sales Managers are responsible for sales. Their role involves organizing, motivating and leading sales teams. They are responsible for the combined performance of the team. At KCCL, Sales Managers are responsible for: †¢Recruiting and training sales staff †¢Supervising, motivating and monitoring team performance †¢Allocating areas to sales executives †¢Setting budgets/targets †¢Liaising with customers which includes actual selling (Wholesalers, Retailers) †¢Keeping abreast of what competitors are doing Market Research Customers differ on many dimensions- taste, needs, and expectations. Managers therefore need to ensure that their product satisfies these tastes. Market research is therefore very important to reveal customer needs. Before this can be done the potential customers had to be identified. This is done by either: †¢Targeting the whole population †¢Segmentation (geographical, behavioral or demographics) †¢Niche marketing KCCL has chosen to target the whole population. At the company’s recent launch of its new product. KCCL chose to segment themarket using demographics to identify its customers. Characteristics such as age,income, occupation or education can be used to divide the population. In theintroduction of its new Granola Bar, age was used to identify the target population.The age groups were: †¢3-14years †¢15-35years †¢36 and older The marketing manager identified the needs of these groups with respect to their nutritional needs. The (3-14years) group indicated that these persons  needed proper nutrition in order to promote healthy growth and development. The (15-35 years), included students and persons â€Å"on the go†.The (36years and over), were persons who did not need to eat as much. This group’s mainconcern was focused on the maintenance of their health. The study of these segments identified a market for a nutritious meal-Kenlee’s Crunchy Bar was the result. Price Price is an important aspect of the marketing mix which must be considered. The price a product is sold at is dependent on the following:- †¢The pricing objective the firm sets for itself †¢The demand for the product †¢Cost incurred in production, marketing and distribution The product characteristics Pricing is very competitive as there are four other similar companies with whom KCCL has to compete with. KCCl’s prices are based on cost plus mark up. KCCL has chosen a Market leadership objective. The aim is to increase their share of the market. Competitors The market is very competitive. There are four major companies that sell the same products. See pie chart which shows the percentage of the market held by these cerealmanufacturers. Substitutes Substitutes are a threat to any company. This occurs if there is in existence products thatcan replace it. There needs to be qualities that the product exhibits that identifies it fromothers, if possible. Sales Forecast The following table shows a sales forecast for KCCLs products. This was based onhistorical records of sales for the past five years. ProductUnits/Mth (000)Retail Price ($ per unit) Cereal1000$2.00 K Flakes200$2.50 Wheat Thins1500$15.25 Coco Flakes100$13.50 Branding and Packaging The Cereals produced are branded under the name KCCL and it is a well known brand.The product carries a distinctive red and white logo of the company. Branding is veryimportant because it allows consumers to identify the product of a particular manufacturer. Branding issues include: †¢Brand name selection †¢Brand name extension †¢Brand sponsor KCCL’s launch of its new product, Kenlee’s Crunchy Bar was under its present brandname. This name has been established in the minds of consumers as a quality cereal. Ithas therefore chosen a line extension strategy since its product has similar features to its present products. KCCL packages its products using attractive foil packaging. The packaging carries thecompany’s colors for immediate identification. The colors used for the logo are the colorsof the nation flag of Trinidad and Tobago.Information given on the packaging includes: †¢Nutritional information †¢Ingredient †¢Expiry date KCCL ’s Price Strategy Their strategy is to to have market-share leadership to ensure its continued survival andexistence. It has chosen to sell its products at the lowest possible price in order to capturea large share of the market. Place The method by which the product gets to the consumers is called channels of distribution.KCCL has a fleet of vehicles to transport its products. It also subcontracts delivery invery far geographical areas. Many small retailers buy directly from the centrally locatedoffice. Delivery is made twice weekly by boat to Tobago. Promotion Mix Kenlee Cereal & Company Limited (KCCL) advertises it products by the use of print,radio and television. In-store displays are sponcered by local businesses. The selling of KCCL’s products are carried out through, sales meetings, sales presentations and incentive programs. KCCL products are promoted by the use of coupons and product samples. It also promotes its products through contests. Government Regulations The Bureau of Standards sets the standards in Trinidad and Tobago in terms of qualityand workmanship of products. Some standards include: †¢Products must be labelled †¢All ingredients identified †¢The value added tax (VAT) must be included in labelling of the price †¢Information must also be written in English Technology KCCL uses high mechanization which reduces costs. All machinery used by KCCL isvery efficient and this increases productivity of the company. Record keeping iscomputerized. Consumer Complaints KCCL has two consumer complaint offices; one is located at its head quarters and the other in Tobago. KCCL addresses all complaints and has a three day response policy. Ethical Issues †¢Ingredients stated on the labeling and advertising of products is accurate and not misleading †¢Correct declaration of sales for taxation. †¢Proper disposal of waste †¢Money laundering to hide illegal business transactions KCCL has maintained its motto of having good legal and ethical business standards Conclusion Key to success of Kenlee’s & Company Cereal Limited are: 1.Quality products. 2.Good customer service. 3.Good distribution channel. 4.High ethical and business standards.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

CVS business proposal Essay

Introduction In the United States, CVS is the largest pharmacy retail organization. This company operates over 6100 retail stores and specialty stores countrywide and has employed over 170,000 workers. There is a necessity of offering a wider range of prescription medication options and selections system-wide in a struggle for serving the consumer base of CVS Pharmacy more consistently and effectively. The purpose of this paper is to select a more realistic good or service for an existing industry. The paper will identify the market structure, along with elasticity of the product and will also include the way the pricing will relate to elasticity of the product. Furthermore, the paper will include the way the changes in the quantity supplied as a result of the pricing decisions will affect marginal cost and marginal revenue. Moreover, the paper will focus on the non-pricing strategies, and will explain the way the changes in the business operations could alter the mix of fixed and variable costs in line with the strategy. Market Structure The market structure of CVS Pharmacy is an oligopoly. It is a market structure in which a small number of organizations sell either differentiated or standardized products in which other organization’s entry is difficult. In this market structure, the control of the firm is limited over price of the product due to mutual interdependence (with the exception of when there is conspiracy surrounded by the organization) and in which there is a non-pricing rivalry (McConnell and Brue, 2004). The oligopoly turn out is the most common structure of big -business as the establishment of trust was limited in the United States. Evasion of pricing rivalry has turned out to be nearly automatic with four or five larger firms accountable for most of the output of every industry. If an organization were to drop the prices, it is expected that their competition will do the same and all will undergo a lower profit. Conversely, it is unsafe for any singular firm to increase their prices as the others will hold the prices with the intention of gaining a share of the market. â€Å"The safest strategy is to never lower prices and raise prices only when there is abundant evidence that the other firms will also raise prices. When business conditions permit, the price leader will raise their prices with the expectation that others will follow (McConnell and Brue, 2004). Price Elasticity â€Å"Price elasticity tells how much of an impact a change in price will have on the consumers’ willingness to buy that item. If the price rises, the law of demand states that the quantity demanded of that item will decrease† (Jennifer Tuck, Chron Small Business, 2013). Price elasticity of demand indicates the decrease in the quantity demanded. Elastic-demand indicates that the consumers of the goods or service are extremely sensitive to a change in prices. Generally, a product which has numerous substitutes or is not a necessity has demanded elasticity. Elastic demand indicates that the customers of the product are not extremely sensitive to price alterations. Upon analysis of elasticity of pharmaceutical products, it is certain that pharmaceutical products cannot be considered as a necessity. Medication is considered to be a basic item, essential for the prevention and treatment of ailments and disease and, consequently, they have a particular, non-substitutive tenacity and thus are not a necessity. It indicates, consequently, that they cannot be considered as elastic. (Tom Vander Beken, 2007). While it is factual for some branded goods with little rivalry, the demand for more crowded beneficial classifications where there are generic equivalents or rival satisfying substitutes can be highly elastic. It indicates that changes in price are met in relation to the quantity with larger changes demanded. For pharmaceutical makers, the primary goal is to realizing the degree of price elasticity. Pharmaceutical makers, for better understanding price elasticity, utilize a range of methods for assessing price elasticity, comprising quantitative research, qualitative research, and retrospective data analysis assessing the effects of a number of levels on prescription demand (Brent L. Rollins, Matthew Perri, 2013). Marginal Cost & Revenue A way to determine the quantity of profit maximization is to conclude where marginal revenue equals marginal costs. Rather than computing the profit for all levels of sales; total revenue and total variable costs are considered. Marginal revenues and marginal costs are considered in a similar way like marginal profit, thus defining the amount of change for all sales’ levels (Huter, 2012, p.2). Pricing & Non-Pricing Strategies CVS needs to think through numerous elements impacting its’ business. Pricing strategies, rivals and their current products, consumer demands and suppliers are examples of these elements. For pricing strategies, CVS should consider closeouts, discounts, product bundle pricing, penetration pricing, geographical pricing, and membership or trade pricing. For non-pricing strategies, options comprise: enhanced service quality, longer opening hours, advertising, and extended warranties (Kimmons, n.d.). By pricing similar products in a different way they must focus on regional demographics because geographic pricing enables the maximization of profit. For promoting unique or new products at provisional price drops, penetration pricing is the most effective. Finally, bundle pricing and closeouts can be engaged when several seasonal goods need to be sold off to avoid a loss (Kimmons, n.d.). Enhanced service quality, longer hours and advertising needs to be included in the non-pricing strategies. Advertising grabs the attention of the consumer to the brand and engages them, making them conscious of promotions and sales. Longer hours enables the organization the opportunity to service more clients—â€Å"the fisherman with the biggest net catches the most fish†. In the end, the automated verification and dispensing systems’ implementation will boost the quality of the service, particularly in the pharmacy to enable more pharmacists to be able to counsel the patient and provide better customer service. Barriers to Entry In the retail pharmacy industry, cost is the main barrier to entry. Economies of scale, as an incumbent, enable CVS to purchase larger quantities at lower rates due to a longer relationship with suppliers because they are purchasing in bulk. These advantages allow CVS to lower prices while maintaining profit. New entrants would not be capable of adequately competing with the old firms and do not enjoy these same benefits (Anonymous, 2012). Current Global Economic Conditions In the past six months, global economic conditions have developed. Policymakers of advanced economy effectively resolved two of the major short-term threats to global activities—the threat of a sharp monetary reduction in the United States and a euro area breakup. In response, according to the latest World Economic Outlook of IMF, financial markets have rallied, and financial constancy has developed. In 2013, the report predicts real global growth of Gross Domestic Product of 3.3% on a basis of yearly average, almost the similar as the 3.2% growth perceived in 2012, and the International Monetary Fund anticipates the growth to increase to 4% in 2014 (Thomas Helbling, 2013). The Pharmaceutical Industry of United States is one of the supporters of the US Economy. It has been perceived that the Pharmaceutical Industry of the United States is developing quickly and is demonstrating no indications of slowing down. The growth of the pharmaceutical industry in the U.S. is also recognized as playing a very important part in the pharmaceutical industries around the world. Some experts have said that in the development of the United States’ pharmaceutical industries, media has played a key role. Experts have seen the major influence in the way the media has provoked health awareness among the people. Current Business Cycle’s Stage of the U.S. Economy Currently, the economy of the United States is in a stage of mid-cycle expansion. As indications of economic development seem to be gaining momentum, equity markets have solidly performed this year. In recent times, a boom in domestic energy and an increase in the housing market have been seen; while employment carries on to develop and grow. Early this year, the fiscal cliff’s resolution stopped a self-inflicted damage to the economy, letting development force to endure. â€Å"The index of US Leading Indicators—made up of 10 economic components that historically have had strong predictive power on GDP growth—also appears to confirm that growth remains intact.† (Matthew Rubin, 2013). However, current indications are becoming a reason for concern. The overdue impacts of payroll tax modification and monetary reduction through repossession has seemed to surprise financiers. Current Credit Market Conditions For consumers and for business loans, interest rates are lower this year compared to any other year. Credit exchange of U.S. government like discount, FFR and Prime rate are much lower. For example, there is a Prime rate of 3.25% and 10% more consumer loans are being given by the financial institutions. Still, loans for business are restricted and not given as easily as in the previous years. (â€Å"Beige book,† 2013) All these signs demonstrate that the market is starting to move and customers are beginning to buy and are content with the existing economy. CVS Pharmaceutical can invest in the market on this uptick by marketing with intention of attracting more customers. Conclusion The market structure of the CVS Pharmacy is an oligopoly. It is a market structure in which a small number of organizations sell either differentiated or standardized products in which other organization’s entry is difficult. Price elasticity of demand indicates the decrease in the quantity demanded. Elastic-demand indicates that the customers of the service or good are extremely sensitive to change in prices. CVS needs to think through numerous elements impacting its’ business so they may run smoothly. If CVS modifies the way they do business, they can impact their bottom line in many ways. In the past six months, global economic conditions have developed. Policymakers of advanced economy effectively resolved two of the major short-term threats to global activities—the threat of a sharp monetary reduction in the United States and a euro area breakup. The Pharmaceutical Industry of United States is one of the supporters of the US Economy. It has been perceived that the Pharmaceutical Industry of United States is developing speedily and is demonstrating no indications of lowering down. Currently, the economy of United States is in a stage of mid-cycle expansion. As indications of economic development seem to be gaining momentum, equity markets have solidly performed this year. References Anonymous. (2012). What Are Barriers to Entry, Retrieved from Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, Twelfth District–San Francisco. (2013). Beige book. Retrieved from website: Brent L. Rollins, Matthew Perri, 2013 Pharmaceutical marketing, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 01-Feb-2013 Huter, S. (2012). How to Calculate the Profit-Maximizing Quantity, Retrieved from Kimmons, R. (n.d.). Pricing Vs. Non-pricing Strategies. Retrieved from Matthew Rubin, 2013, Director of Investment Strategy, Strategic spotlight, an update to economic business cycle, retrieved from: McConnell, C. R., Brue, S. L., & Flynn, S. M. (2009). Economics: Principles, problems, and policies (18th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill Irwin. McConnell, C. and Brue, S. (2004). Economics: principles, problems and policies, 16 ed. McGraw-Hill Companies Jennifer Tuck, Chron Small Business, 2013, Retrieved from Tom Vander Beken, The European Pharmaceutical Sector and Crime Vulnerabilities, Maklu, 01, Jan, 2007 View as multi-pages