Saturday, November 30, 2019

Teo Essay free essay sample

Toe Roberts HAS for health profession and human services 5-5-13 Music Miles Davis was one of the best Jazz musicians In the history of Jazz. His full name is Miles Dewey Davis Ill and was born on May 26th, 1 926 In Alton, Illinois. Unlike many other notorious musicians Miles grew up in wealth His father was a superb dental surgeon in East SST. Louis. He began playing the trumpet in his early teens and immediately excelled. Davis played in a couple of local SST. Louis groups and in his high school band. HIS high school music teacher advised him to play without vibrato.There are three types of vibrato for trumpet players: lip, diaphragm, and hand vibrato. To perform a lip vibrato a trumpeter must move his lips in a chewing motion while playing longer notes during a solo. Similarly, a diaphragm vibrato is executed by varying the air supply with the muscle below your lungs. We will write a custom essay sample on Teo Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Finally, the hand vibrato Is carried out by moving the trumpet lightly In circles while holding long notes. Due to his fathers wealthy occupation, Davis was sent to New York City in 1944 to advance his music at the Jailbird School. Originally known as the Institute of Musical Art,Jailbird was founded in 1905 by Dry. Frank Damrosch. Damrosch was convinced that American students should not have to go to Europe to further their musical education. However, as prestigious as Jailbird was it did not attract Miles Davis. He soon found himself skipping out on school and participating in Jam sessions. These were not Just any Jam sessions though. He found himself playing with the likes of Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie. Under these two, Davis learned as much as he needed to know. Parker and Davis recorded together fairly often from 1945-1948.Early on Davis playing was very timid, but he had a very unique musical imagination and tone that carried him. During the summer of 1948, Davis formed his first group which happened to be a note. Jazz greats, Lee Zionist and Gerry Mulligan, were members In the band. Gill Evans arranged most of the music and ended up helping out Miles Davis a lot in his career. The group was known as the Birth of Cool. They didnt stay together for very long but their music changed the sound of jazz. Miles Davis was the main contributor in the cool Jazz movement. Unfortunately in the early asss, Davis fell Into the stereotype that crippled many Jazz artists, drugs. He battled with a serious heroin addiction that put his up and coming career on a sort of standstill. Even though drugs brought him down during this period, Miles still was able to record some of his greatest albums. Soon after he kicked the drugs, Davis formed his first quintet. Along with Davis, musicians John Coloration, Philly Joe Jones, Red Garland, and Paul Chambers were the other members of the quintet. This group recorded many very successful records. The four main albums were, Cooking,Steaming, Relaxing, and Working. To finish off the cool era, Davis recorded what is arguably the best Jazz album ever created. The title of the Infamous album is Kind of Blue. The album was created with an Incredible sextet made up of Jazz legends. John Coloration, Cannonball Daydream, and Bill Evans were among the members of the 1 OFF success of Kind of Blue, Davis realized that times were changing and Jazz music needed to change accordingly. He instituted free Jazz and incorporated it into his new quintet. Once again, Davis group was comprised of legends such as, WayneShorter and Herbs Hancock. The new quintets sound was very light and moved from cool Jazz to free Jazz. This quintet also had some key recordings for the career of Mr.. Davis. Live at the Plugged Nickel and Miles Smiles were a couple of their best recordings. Although Davis was enjoying success through his ever changing styles, many of his fans had dropped off after each innovative move. Critics, on the other hand, recognized the brilliance of his music and embraced it. Once again, music had begun to change and Jazz altered its ways to keep up.The rock-Jazz fusion revolution as setting in and Miles Davis was standing in the front lines with his new band. This time Davis had artists such as John McLaughlin, Joe Zanily, and Chick Corer. Davis implemented electric instruments such as electric keyboard, bass, and guitar into his bands. The album Pitches Brew is regarded by critics as Miles Davis last true Jazz album and they often dismiss his later works when talking about him. Towards the end of his career he began to play other instruments and often played with his back to the stage. Sadly, on September 26th, 1991 Miles Davis died due to a stroke.As Jazz .NET on throughout the decades so did artists and styles. I believe that Miles Davis stands alone as one of the most influential and overall best Jazz performer of all time. He was the only one who fought through the different types of Jazz and excelled throughout all of them. Although there might be a three way tie for second between Charlie Parker, Duke Longtime, and Louis Armstrong, Mr.. Miles Dewey Davis Ill is the lone number one. He not only persevered throughout Jazz changes and drug addiction but he also pioneered many of the changes and embraced reality like no other musician had done before.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Future Hospitality Trends Tourism Essay Essays

The Future Hospitality Trends Tourism Essay Essays The Future Hospitality Trends Tourism Essay Essay The Future Hospitality Trends Tourism Essay Essay The cordial reception industry is one of the most of import industries globally since it generates one million millions of dollars across the world.This industry is big and it indirectly and straight employs staff in different professions including hotel industry, touristry industry, air travel industry and other industries. The cordial reception industry chiefly relies on disposable income of clients and presence of leisure clip since many services in this industry are enjoyed during leisure clip ( Beaver, 2002 ) . This industry is an of import gross earner in different economic systems particularly those which rely on touristry as a major beginning of authorities gross. However, the cordial reception industry is a really sensitive industry which thrives on economic and political stableness of assorted finishs and economic systems. Political and economic instability has a direct inauspicious consequence on this industry and may take to drastic gross losingss by such economic systems ( Clifford, 2008 ) . It is hence of import to analyse this industry in relation to available chances and present menaces in order to foretell future tendencies. This paper will measure the hereafter trends in the cordial reception industry. The available chances and present menaces will be used to determine these tendencies. The paper will concentrate on both a planetary attack and an attack from the United States concern environment. Recommendations on what should be done to better the hereafter of the cordial reception industry will besides be given. The discussed issues will be summarized at the terminal. Future tendencies Short term diminution of industry due to economic crunch The cordial reception industry is one of the most affected industries every bit far as the planetary economic crunch is involved. This industry relies on disposable incomes of households and due to the effects of the crunch ; people are no longer able to afford vacations and leisure activities. Almost all states experienced inauspicious effects of the crunch and the touristry industry was one of the most affected. For case, touristry in Europe declined by over 5 % over the past three old ages, due to effects of the fiscal crisis ( Theobald, 2008 ) . In the US, the industry declined by 3 % in footings tourist reachings. Worldwide, the touristry industry declined by an norm of 4 % over a similar period, which translated to 880 million tourers ( John, 2010 ) . Although many economic systems are fighting to cut down the effects of the crisis, the cordial reception industry will be among the last to bask the benefits of monolithic fiscal injections to economic systems by authoritiess. Thi s is because services in the cordial reception industry are considered luxuries by many families and luxuries are the concluding demands satisfied by rational existences after all other demands are exhausted. Long term growing due to monolithic investings In the long tally, the cordial reception industry is expected to turn mostly due to the massive investings which are being undertaken around the universe. One of the finishs where there is heavy investing in the industry is the Middle East and specifically Dubai. Billions of dollars have been invested in Dubai with the intent of developing substructure needed to do it a universe category finish. Investing in hotels, belongingss, golf classs, conveyance, edifices, cultural museums and other tourer attractive forces have been realized in recent old ages. This includes the worldaa‚Â ¬a„?s tallest edifice and a seven star hotel ( Conrad A ; Alison, 2009 ) . Other authoritiess which rely on touristry as an industry for gross aggregation have besides made monolithic investings. This shows that in the long tally, consumers will hold a larger assortment of leisure activities to take from, which will promote the growing of the cordial reception industry. Execution of entire quality direction There has been a gradual betterment of service proviso in the cordial reception industry due to the execution of entire quality direction. This scheme involves betterment of the quality of services provided to increase efficiency, cut down costs and run into the demands of all stakeholders in the industry. The Malcolm Baldridge Awards introduced in recent old ages has helped better quality of service in this industry since it targets entire choice direction of houses in the industry ( Christine, 2006 ) . The Ritz Carlton hotel was one of the first to win the award, and to put new criterions in proviso of service in the hotel industry. Many houses in the cordial reception industry have recognized the importance of bettering service proviso due to intense competition and market consciousness of merchandises offered. The betterment of service proviso is likely to promote the growing of the industry in the long tally. Potential menaces and chances There are assorted chances which can be exploited in the cordial reception industry. There are besides assorted menaces to this industry and these should be mitigated to guarantee the industry is successful in the long tally. These chances and menaces will be discussed below ; Opportunities The major chance in the cordial reception industry is investing in substructure needed to fuel the growing of the industry and aim new and emerging markets. It has been discussed that many authoritiess and private house are puting in the industry particularly in the Middle East. It is of import to promote consumers to demand such services if the effects of the planetary economic crunch are to be mitigated. This can be done through supplying markets with unique services which were antecedently non offered and decrease of merchandise monetary values to promote local touristry in different states ( Jacques, 2000 ) . Local touristry has a really big potency in many finishs, although it is underexploited in most instances. Packages which encourage local touristry should be developed and services which meet local demands made available in order to enable long term growing of the industry. Menaces Global economic crisis One of the greatest menaces to the hereafter of the cordial reception industry is the planetary economic crunch. The planetary economic crisis has led to decrease of the growing and development degrees of most economic systems. This crisis has besides led to massive unemployment and decrease of the disposable income of many households ( Lennon A ; Malcolm, 2008 ) . It was antecedently discussed that the cordial reception industry thrives on disposable income of clients and presence of leisure clip. The planetary economic crunch has reduced the disposable income of households. It has besides led to decrease in leisure clip since many employees strive to work for longer hours in order to gain higher wages which can extenuate effects of the crisis. The decrease of incomes and leisure clip has led to a lessening in purchase of services in the cordial reception industry by consumers. Fewer people are able to go for leisure or have repasts at eating houses and hotels since they consider t hese services to be luxuries. Unless equal stairss are taken to cut down the effects of the planetary crunch, many houses in the cordial reception industry may confront losingss in the long tally. Deductions of the tendencies on cordial reception industry The deduction of these tendencies in the cordial reception industry is a short term diminution and a long term growing of the industry. Although the industry has declined late due to the effects of the fiscal crunch, there is possible for growing in the hereafter due to monolithic investings and consumer consciousness of merchandises offered. However, the private sector and authorities have a duty of collaborating of this growing is to be achieved. Massive investings, invention of alone services and consumer consciousness of merchandises offered is cardinal to accomplishing this growing. It is of import to do the undermentioned recommendations if long term growing of the cordial reception industry is to be achieved in future. Recommendations Government intercessions There are assorted authorities intercessions which should be implemented if the cordial reception industry is to turn and develop in future. Government intercessions should largely affect steps which stimulate economic growing and development every bit good as the creative activity of an environment which encourages the growing of the cordial reception industry ( Cooper, 2005 ) . This includes a fiscal bundle which is geared towards promoting more public investing and economic stableness of houses particularly during the current planetary economic crisis. It should besides affect development of substructure which will guarantee that the cordial reception industry is able to run into the diverse demands of clients. Merchandise distinction Product distinction is of import in run intoing alone market needs across different environments. It involves developing alone merchandises to run into diverse demands in different environments. Firms in the cordial reception industry should set about research on market demands and develop merchandises which meet alone demands across different environments ( Wilkerson, 2003 ) . This will guarantee that customersaa‚Â ¬a„? demands are satisfied and they remain loyal to suppliers of such services. In bend, the cordial reception industry will bask long term profitableness.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Alcohol Abuse And Substance Abuse

The Effects of Alcohol and Substance Abuse on Fetal Development Natalie Fontanella Liberty University Online Abstract This paper examined the effects of alcohol and substance abuse on fetal development in expecting mothers. The critical periods of fetal development during pregnancy are reviewed and discussed in order to determine the effects alcohol and substance can cause during certain stages. In order to gain a more efficient understanding of the effects different substances can have on fetal†¦ Substance Abuse Along with stress, family dysfunction, and social isolation, substance abuse has also been linked with an increased risk of child abuse and neglect. Aspects of the family environment can be a useful and vital assessment aspect for identifying child abuse and neglect. According to a study conducted by Shanta Dube, Robert Anda, Vincent Felitti, Janet Croft, Valerie Edwards, and Wayne Gills (2001), there was a strong relationship between parental alcohol abuse and each of the 10 adverse†¦ Alcohol Abuse Amber Wienberg Brown Mackie College- Lenexa, KS July 11, 2015 Alcohol Abuse Alcohol is the most abuse and widely used substance (Fortinash & Worret, 2012, pg. 333). According to Fortinash and Worret, 9.6% of American males and 3.2% of American females are alcohol dependent (2012, pg. 33). As stated by Psychology Today, alcohol abuse is defined by: failure to fulfill major school, work or home responsibilities, drink and driving, reoccurring legal issues related to alcohol†¦ policing, the use of alcohol and substance abuse has risen within the departments. Studies concerning the connection between alcohol and PTSD have shown that officers tend to turn to drugs and alcohol if they have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The use of drugs have led to addiction and even police corruption. This problem has become an epidemic for the police in today’s society. Citizens may argue that police are no different than an average citizen on substance abuse or that drugs actually†¦ Research Methodology There are very few studies on yoga intervention on alcohol and substance abuse. There ae several factors associated with substance abuse that prevents patients from relapse. Participants will be select based on the following criteria: the age, the employment status and the patient admitted for long-term inpatient treatment. The patient age 18 and over, who are currently employed in a firm and who are admitted in the facility as inpatient will be recruited for the research. The†¦ Alcohol may seem to be very innocent to people and a way to socialize with others even though that at times can be true it can also be very harmful and in some cases dangerous. Studies show that impulsivity has long been considered a risk factor for harmful alcohol use. Advances in neurocognitive models of impulse control have allowed substance abuse researchers to understand how dysfunction of specific cognitive mechanisms underlying behavioral control can contribute to substance use (Fillmore†¦ A main issue that is still occurring in the military is the many cases of the substance abuse. The USA Today news article, â€Å"Ex-soldier Returns to Fight Substance Abuse in Military† talks about Frank L. Greenagel Jr. who opened up his own counseling center for substance abuse. He also served in the military and agreed that there are many individuals who are dealing with substance addiction. These individuals need help before things could potentially become fatal. Greenagel discusses how one of†¦ Substance abuse and addiction has become so common that almost every individual has been or will be affected by its consequences. Substance abuse and addiction does not only affect the individual directly battling with it, but also impacts the lives of many others. Alcohol and substance abuse counseling is a career path that has interested me due to my personal experiences associated with alcohol and substance abuse. There are many different people battling with alcohol and substance abuse who†¦ Lauren’s alcohol consumption, especially in the form of binge drinking, is a form of substance abuse and is considered a health-risk behaviour (Buultjens & Buultjens, 2015). Therefore, it is important to note that active substance abuse correlates with poor adherence to prescribed treatments in adolescents (Costello et al., 2016). Furthermore, it is observed that adolescents who display one type of risk-taking behavior are more likely to engage in further forms of risk-taking in regard to their health†¦ People suffer from substance abuse such as; drugs, alcohol and tobacco. Most people mistakenly think that those who suffer from substance abuse do not have the willpower nor does that person want to stop using drugs. What those people don’t understand, drug abuse or some might call it drug addiction is a complex disease. (Signs and Symptoms of Substance Abuse, 2016). When a person is abusing drugs quitting it easier say, than done. Drugs can affect and change the brain and the body making the process†¦

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The woman In US Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The woman In US - Research Paper Example Yoshiko Chuma was originally born at Osaka in Japan. Chuma migrated to America in the year of 1978 and hence forth, her struggle with life and at the same platform, the struggle to establish her thoughts, beliefs, perceptions and conceptions regarding the aesthetic features and stylistics of modern dance commenced. In the pursuit of her dreams, she arrived in America and started her career from Manhattan. Her stay in America and her dedication towards her work made her a leader in modern American dance within a very short span of time. In 1998, she almost made the world spell bound by her scintillating performance in Astoria Pools in Queens. She tried to recreate and stage an audience-participatory performance art named â€Å"swim-dance†. Her pieces, which are Avant –Grade include â€Å"Sundown†, a marvelous performance that takes seven long hours. â€Å"Sundown† is an exposition of cubism and is mounted at the Issue Project Space in the year of 2006. This is a quite unconventionality as an artist as Ms. Chuma prefers to walk apart the queue. Dance for Ms Chuma is more than an art, it is an expression and a platform to say things unsaid, feel things never felt and she bears the witness of an entire period framed in a time in which she grew up. Ms Chuma said, â€Å"The majority goes one way, and I’m always kind of biting my finger.† In her words, â€Å"I don’t want to go in that group, and I don’t know why. My generation in Japan might have something to do with it. We are postwar children, and probably some of my childhood is hitting this landscape. Nobody would choose this space for a dance performance† (Kourlas, â€Å"For Dance, a Cubism of a Different Sort†). â€Å"The area reminds me of a painting of Brooklyn, maybe from the 70’s,† she continued. â€Å"It’s not very clean. Manhattan is totally clean now. I think, I want to introduce audiences to this difficult

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Motivating Employees and Self-Managed Teams Essay

Motivating Employees and Self-Managed Teams - Essay Example As a state of mind, Bruce and Pepitone described this as the attitudes and perceptions of individuals manifesting in the willingness to contribute greater effort towards the achievement of organizational goals with the willingness conditioned by expectation of satisfying individual objectives (2). State of mind depends on various factors. Nickels and McHugh identified these factors as scientific management (260) in organizations, the Hawthorne effect with perceptions of organizational concern towards employees linked to positive outcomes (262), a work environment meeting an individual's hierarchy of needs (263), existence of positive incentives and challenges (269), and intrinsic and extrinsic factors influencing job satisfaction (265). As a process, Bruce and Pepitone described motivation as the process of arousing, directing and maintaining attitudes, behavior and perceptions towards the attainment of organizational goals (2). Nickels and McHugh discussed motivation as the facilitation of the interaction between individual and organizational goals (273) in a manner that ensures the achievement of individual and organizational expectations (274) and perceived as fair (275). ... Motivating individual employees is important to the business environment because this creates a number of benefits. First benefit is job satisfaction (Nickels and McHugh 260), which refers to the positive emotional condition of employees that comes from their personal appraisal and/or organizational performance assessment of accomplished tasks. Job satisfaction means employees feeling better about the value of their work contribution to the organization, going beyond minimum expectations, and positive response to task completion. This is important in the contemporary business environment because of its link to customer service and satisfaction. Satisfied employees are likely to do better in their work. This spills over to their treatment of customers. Customers then receive better service and improved experience of the products and services of the firm (Nickels and McHugh 260). This could lead to repeat purchases and even loyalty. Second benefit is improved individual performance, which when combined translates into improved organizational performance (Bruce and Pepitone 38). This links employee performance and organizational performance. Employee performance refers to both work outcomes and task completion processes. Measurement of work outcomes could include task completion based on quotas or other standards applied by the organization. Efficiency in task completion by working with errors at a minimum level, targeting more than the minimum expectations, and better disposition towards work also reflect the performance of motivated employees. Improved individual performance is important to the contemporary business environment because

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Strategy and Positioning Paper Essay Example for Free

Strategy and Positioning Paper Essay Introduction Starbucks is preparing to launch the new Frizzo hand crafted soda. This paper will include an overview of Starbucks and their products. It will also include a SWOT analysis and a competitive analysis of the organization and offering using the Porter’s five competitive forces model. It will include the criteria used to segment the market and select a target market that will include geographic, demographic, and psychographic, and behavioral factors. Next it will include a description of the targeted market and the needs that cause the target market to buy. Finally, it will include a written positioning statement. Starbucks Overview Starbucks legacy began in 1971, in Seattle’s Pike Place market as a roaster and retailer of whole bean and ground coffee, tea, and spices (Starbucks, 2015). The company was sold to Howard Schultz 1987. His vision to bring the Italian coffee bars and the romance coffee experience to the United States became a reality; he was determined to make it a one of a kind company. The Starbucks name was derived from the first mate in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, and their emblem was influenced by the sea featuring a twin-tailed siren Greek mythology (Starbucks, 2015). Today, Starbucks has the privilege to operate in 21,878 retail stores in 66 countries. Starbucks stores are a gathering place for customers to meet with friends and family while enjoying quality service and an inviting atmosphere. Starbucks customers can expect to get more than coffee, with their wide selection of premium teas, baked pastries, and other healthy delicious foods (Starbucks, 2015). According to Starbucks (2015), Starbucks mission is to â€Å"to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time† (Our Mission). The company believes in the importance of building an everlasting business, and it strives to have a balance between profitability and a social conscience (Starbucks, 2015). In every step Starbucks takes, it is always performed through the lens of humanity. The company is very adamant about ethically sourcing the highest quality of coffee, caring for the planet through environmental stewardship, and getting involved in their communities. According to Statistics and Facts on Starbucks (n.d.), â€Å"Starbucks has generated by far the most revenue and the largest number of stores worldwide within the coffee chain industry (para.3). It became the second most valuable fast food brand worldwide in 2014, coming right under the only global giant McDonald’s (Statistics and Facts on Starbucks, n.d.). Starbucks has come a long way, and it has no intentions of slowing down. Description of the Product Innovation is in Starbucks DNA, they are always thinking about how to serve their customers better. A company that began as a roaster and retailer of coffee beans and ground coffee, tea, and spices, is now an all-American global company coffee chain. It is now, serving hot and iced coffee beverages along with other exceptional products such as teas, and smoothies. Starbucks introduces a new refreshing drink away from coffee and tea. It wanted to know if it can be more than coffee to its customers, by introducing the New Frizzo Handcrafted Soda. This machine is a breakthrough in carbonation technology delivering a unique soda experience. The soda experience is nothing like the sodas customer’s purchase in a store. Fizzo ensures every ingredient is carbonated to maximize the real flavor (Starbucks News , 2015). In addition, the new Fizzo machine comes with a fizz adjuster, to adjust the right amount of fizz in each beverage. And better yet, it is made by hand the moment the customer orders it. The new Fizzo sodas come in three different flavors the Golden Ginger Ale, Lemon Ale, and Spiced Root Beer (Starbucks, 2015). Fizzo drinks only have 100  calories in a Grande size (16 fl. oz.), and 80 calories in a Tall size (12 fl.oz). They are a special summer treat to any customer who wants to enjoy a refreshing soda any day of the week. The new Fizzo cold drink is available at all local Starbucks locations. SWOT Analysis Strengths Operating efficiencies and strong growth lead to superior financial performance  2014 was just considered one of the best financial years for Starbucks. Starbucks revenue increased by 10%, approximately 1599 additional stores were opened, profit and operational margins have grew and their cash flow continued robust despite the vast growth. In China, Starbucks has the rapidest growing store network as opposed to their competition In the year 2011 they were only 570 Starbucks locations in China, now there are currently 1,367. There are more Starbucks locations than Costa Coffee and Dunkin’ Donuts combined; However, McDonalds still leads with over 2000 locations. Leading brand in the coffee market, valued at $5.2 billion Starbucks has a leading brand reputation because of their excellent coffee and outstanding customer service. Its brand is the most valuable brand the in coffee market and is valued at $5.2 billion. The great Starbucks experience One of Starbucks’s strongest advantages is the experience a customer experiences when visiting Starbucks. They cater to their customers with impeccable blended coffee, first-class music, welcoming staff and just and all around warm atmosphere, which results in incomparable customer service. The effective use of the Starbucks Card, loyalty program, and mobile applications, to simplify the ordering process and to promote continual purchases The Starbucks Card is a stored reward card and is convenient to use when  making a purchase at Starbucks locations. Along with a quicker checkout time, customers who use their cards to pay for their items also receive points for their purchases. The Starbucks Rewards Program lures consumers to return to Starbucks and, of course, make continuous purchases. Going above and beyond the Starbucks Card, there is now a mobile application, which allows customers to pay with their Smartphones. Over 6 million customers use their Smartphone to make purchases weekly. Weakness Too dependent on their profits within the Americas Division American Division including the United States, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Canada and other America countries makes up for the 73% or $11.98 billion of Starbucks total sales. Out of the 14,191 stores in the America division, 11,962 stores are located within the United States. Making the United States their most relevant market. The cost of coffee beans has a considerable impacted on profits Profits and the price of coffee greatly depend on the cost of coffee beans. Coffee beans are considered an uncontrollable commodity, and due to unreliable weather conditions, hedge funds and many other elements, Starbucks is unable to estimate the price of its coffee and their company’s profitability. The price for a cup of Coffee Starbucks has incredible coffee and an amazing customer experience which allows them to charge more for their product. On the other hand, McDonalds McCafe premium coffee is priced significantly lower than Starbucks. Harmful publicity The corporation regularly receives negative exposure over its poor efforts of becoming environment-friendly company and tax evasions. Starbucks has not paid taxes for years 2009 through 2011 in the United Kingdom and other European Countries for the revenue of  £1.3 billion. Opportunities Grow the Teavana store network Tea is categorized as a healthy drink and the demand for Tea is rapidly  increasing in the world. Tea is the most popular manufactured drink consumed in the world (Mac Farlane, 2004). Sales of tea products have grown from $1.84 billion to $10.41 billion in 2013 within the United States (The Tea Association of the U.S.A, 2013). Branch out their supplier network Currently, Starbucks does not grow their coffee beans; they purchase them from a variety of suppliers, which are primarily bunched in Arabia, South America or Africa. In order for Starbucks to guarantee critical product for their operations in Asia, they should branch out their supplier network and ease the dependence of good or bad harvests from their current supplier locations. Starbucks should consider extending its supplier system. A growth of an emerging economy There are vast opportunities for coffee sales in India, in which Starbucks only has a minimal amount of restaurants. Threats Possible rise in the price of coffee beans because of unpredictable weather disasters Coffee beans are the chief material used, and coffee makes up about half of the total company’s sales. Therefore, the profit margins are to some extent reliant on the cost of the coffee beans. In 2011, the cost of coffee beans skyrocketed to $3 a pound (Kollewe, 2011). Over the past few years, pricing has been very unpredictable. Trademark breaches Starbucks has been implicated in several instances over its illegal use of its trademark, which can be pricey and harmful for Starbucks. Potential upcoming change in some of the top executives Since 1985, Howard Schultz has been a very productive and reliable CEO, who managed to develop Starbucks into on the biggest restaurant chains in the world. Along with Howard Schultz, there are many other key executives who have been employed at Starbucks for more than ten years and they have all contributed to the success of Starbucks. The danger here is that many of these key executives are in the age category for retirement. During his attempt to leave in 2008, Starbucks convinced Troy Alstead to stay because  he was the most qualified candidate to fill the position of Howard Schultz as CEO. Unfortunately, Troy Alstead left Starbucks at the beginning of 2015 (Callan and Giammona, 2015). This change could possibly be a threat to the weaken Starbucks management capabilities. Porter’s Five Competitive Forces Starbucks is a competitive organization, and the Porter’s five competitive forces are as such. Starbucks customers have a hefty amount of bargaining power, and there is a small amount of customers who will not go elsewhere due to high prices, even though, there is a vast amount of choices available to them. The threat is substantial with alternate products and services. Alternative for Starbucks Coffee include tea, soft drinks, juices, water and energy drinks, and pubs, and bars can be areas for customers to meet someone and spend their quality time away from home and work environments. There is no threat of new company’s in the coffee business trying to compete with Starbucks. The market is highly saturated, and the substantial amount of financial resources needed to build stores and buy properties are necessary in order to enter the market of the coffee making business. Starbucks and the suppliers have a higher bargaining power because the consumer demand for coffee is high at the universal level. Coffee beans can and will be produced only in certain areas. African coffee producers are being treated unfairly by worldwide companies, and the issues are being resolved with the efforts of various non-related government organizations and this increases the bargaining power of the suppliers. Criteria use to Segment the Market Starbucks decides to choose the demographics and psychographics lifestyles of their customers. The information collected pertaining to these segments suggests that Starbucks can better serve its consumers. Psychographics are primarily based on the consumers activities, opinions, and interests, it is how their consumers spend their time, what their favorite drinks are and what their priorities are, also how they feel about certain current events and issues. Psychographic research is together related to psychological research, especially when it comes to personality and attitude measurements. Though the factors such as personality and behavior are often used to describe marketing segments, the consumers demographic characteristics  should be used to evaluate the size of the target market and to reach it efficiently. Demographics is items such as sex, marital status, occupation, education, and income. Starbucks targets both male and female consumers, mainly 25-40 year-olds. Starbucks does not relate to a younger crowd because children under the age of 18 do not drink coffee. Starbucks company has positioned themselves in a way that it can recognize something different in their products from competition this gives them an advantage in association to their competitors. The mission of Starbucks is that they want to inspire and nurture the human spirit, one person, one cup, one neighborhood at a time (Starbucks, 2015). Their strategy is customer based this allows them to give the best customer service possible. As Starbucks continue to hold onto their sustainable competitive advantage, they hold onto the customer and employees satisfaction. Starbucks is a worldwide company that has slammed the competitors operations, and it looks as if the company will last forever. Their power over the consumer and competition has shown that Starbucks is the king of the coffee industry. Description of Target Market Starbucks target market is to focus on being most known and respected brand in the world. The luxury coffee industry is very competitive, but Starbucks offers the most favorite hot and cold beverages that can be addictive. Starbucks target market ranges from young teenagers, college students, and adults. People of all ages go to Starbucks to enjoy their favorite drink even if it is just coffee. Customers are more willing to pay for lavish coffee products now more than ever, with that in mind, Starbucks aggressive growth in USA and worldwide have begun targeting almost every demographic to be a leader in coffee drinks. McDonalds and other chains try to cash in on the money in the lavish coffee business. There are smaller coffee shops in the market place offering similar products, but Starbuck’s has a great deal of buying power giving them a competitive advantage. McDonalds has a customer base that is enormously large and now has the alternative to get their coffee where they get their breakfast. McDonald’s cup of coffee is less expensive than Starbucks and is one of Starbucks biggest competitors in this economy; Starbucks provides a luxury drink, but that will be what people cut back on when they want to save money. Unfortunately, Starbucks  has closed of over a hundred Starbucks stores in recent years. Emotional and Logical Drivers Starbucks emotional and logical drivers provide a great atmosphere to get together for coffee or the unique flavored hot or cold beverages. Customers can come to Starbucks to study, meet with friends, or read a book. The furnishings usually consist of plenty of tables, chairs, and a welcoming atmosphere. Starbucks offers free Wi-Fi and always has plenty of electrical outlets for laptop chargers. These amenities start a trendy atmosphere consistent with the potential of social meeting places. The Starbucks locations worldwide offer the same experience as the locations in USA. Starbucks has the advantage to promote and advertise same menu items people can try worldwide and even customize some the of menu items to fit the local community tastes. Positioning Statement According to the OFarrell (2015) website, â€Å"Starbucks’ primary target market is men and women aged 25 to 40. They account for almost half (49 percent) of its total business. Starbucks’ appeal to this consumer age group through hip, contemporary design that is consistent with its advertising and decor, and working to keep its products current as status symbols. Customers tend to be urbanites with relatively high income, professional careers and a focus on social welfare. This target audience grows at a rate of 3 percent annually† (Para 2). Based on a personal consumer’s standpoint, many customers return to Starbucks every morning not because their coffee is the best quality. Most of the people in my circle, including myself, used to purchase Starbucks coffee because of the experience that it goes into the purchasing process. It is no surprise that the company uses millions of dollars to study the experience the consumers encounter in each and every step they take before getting a coffee in their hands. Furthermore, a lot of customers including myself enjoy the reward; who would not want to enjoy a nice brewed coffee before a long day? Lastly, I would say purchasing a Starbucks coffee exhibits some egocentric drive or personal, or perhaps shows a level of the individual’s social economic and of course, we cannot leave out the social  energy! Starbucks is not just the number one specialty coffee retailer in its industry for no reason. And it is not just because of their high market cap rate. The corporation serves their famous coffee drinks, their food items and roasted beans along with their coffee accessories, and teas. Starbucks markets its coffee through many military installations around the world, grocery stores including Target, bookstores like Barns and Noble, and other varieties of licensed brands food and beverage products. Additionally, although countless studies and research are put into solving and resolving target issues, one of the most outstanding resolutions that Starbucks ever demonstrated was in January of 2008. According to Nbc News (2015), â€Å"Howard Schultz said Monday (January 2008) he is taking back the role of chief executive, replacing CEO Jim Donald as part of a plan to turn around the struggling chain of coffee houses. Schultz, in a letter to employees posted on the companys website, said Starbucks would slow its United States growth and close underperforming locations, restructure its management organization, and continue to expand globally.†(Para 1-2) The Spider Book (2015) website listed that among the many competitors Starbucks has to war with; McDonald’s is leading the global market competitor’s list. Costa Coffee, Coca-Cola, Caribou Coffee Costa Express, and Coke are also amongst the list of competitors in that order. One of the most enthralling advantages that Starbucks have over any of its competitors is the experience. Not anyone of the other competitors could compete on any given day the amount of returning customers that stay and enjoy the social environment that Starbucks proudly offers. Starbucks has achieved their goal of attracting people to come and visit. Conclusion Starbucks is preparing to launch the new Frizzo hand crafted soda. Their targeted market will be consumers from 18 – 40 years of age. Starbucks has the advantage because they are already popular. People already gather at Starbucks to enjoy high quality drinks and food items and to enjoy the Starbucks experience. They have comfortable large couches, free Wi-Fi, phone charging station, and rewards program for loyal customers. Some consumer have made Starbucks part of their normal routine which will allow Starbucks to stay in business for a long period of time. Reference Callan, J and Giammona, C. (2015) Starbucks’ Operating Chief Will Go on Leave After 23 Years. Retrieved from Kollewe, J. (2011) Coffee prices expected to rise as a result of poor harvest and growing demand. Macfarlane, A and Macfarlane, I. (2004). The Empire of Tea. The Overlook Press. p. 32. Nbc news. (2015). Retrieved from New Fizzioâ„ ¢ Handcrafted sodas. Made just for you. (2015). Retrieved from OFarrell, R. (2015). Chron. Retrieved from Perreault, W. D., Jr., Cannon, J. P., McCarthy, E. J. (2011). Basic marketing: A marketing strategy planning approach (19th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Starbucks . (2015). Retrieved from S tatistics and facts on Starbucks. (n.d.). Retrieved from Spider book. (2015). Retrieved from The Tea Association of the U.S.A (2013). The State of the U.S. Tea Industry 2013. Retrieved from Wong, Vanessa. (2015). Now Brewing: Starbucks Soda. Retrieved from

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Out of Maos Shadow Essay -- Chinese Communist Party, Politics

For several decades, since the death of Mao Zedong, dissidence among the public has increased against the single-party system of Mao’s Chinese Communist Party, or CCP. The CCP, which Mao co-founded, has ruled China since 1949 with little or no opposition party. The ruling party has long crushed dissent since its founding. Three authors have looked into the dissidence. The first is Merle Goldman in her analytical essay of the intellectual class in China entitled â€Å"China’s Beleaguered Intellectuals† (2009). In this essay, Goldman focuses on the intellectuals’ struggle for political and intellectual freedom from the CCP. Goldman’s view for the future of China is one containing more political freedoms. On the other hand, Andrew G. Walder’s critical essay â€Å"Unruly Stability: Why China’s Regime Has Staying Power,† (2009) refutes Goldman’s claim that China’s intellectuals have the ability to change domestic poli cy. He argues that, while political dissent has become more commonplace, the CCP and authoritarian control is here to stay. The third author, Philip P. Pan and his novel Out of Mao’s Shadow: The Struggle for the Soul of a New China (2008) has a more neutral tone and shows both the side of the intellectuals and the CCP. This paper will use Pan’s book in order to determine which view, either Goldman’s or Walder’s, is correct. The first section of Pan’s book called â€Å"Remembering,† discusses two of the major role-players, Zhao Ziyang and Lin Zhao, during the different campaigns and revolutions throughout China’s history, and the way the public recalls their deaths. Both Zhao Ziyang and Lin Zhao’s lives and deaths received differing treatment by the government censors and the public. Zhao Ziyang was an important senior member in the C... ...ially thousands of people that would otherwise die unnecessarily. Both Goldman and Walder make excellent points both backed by Pan’s book. The argument that Walder makes is very convincing: that government and all of its censorship is here to stay. The reaction to the reformers are usual overblown and extreme. They are also highly immoral and go against human rights. However, Goldman’s argument is much stronger. Since the rise of a semi-capitalistic society under the market reforms of the 1980’s and the Tiananmen Square protests the voices of political dissent and change have been on the rise, and from the examples provided, especially after the year 2000. The party has effectively been losing power thanks in large part to the internet and the rise of the lawyers like Pu. Therefore, the political status quo in China is changing, no matter what the party says.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Nazism Theme in the Antz Movie

In the movie Antz, there were a variety of types of governments shown. The main one demonstrated by General Mandible, was fascism or also known as nazism. General Mandible uses his army to make the other ants in the colony behave. There are many different situations shown in this movie to prove that General Mandible uses Fascism or Nazism in this movie. Whereas, on the other hand, Z wants a direct democracy. He wants everyone to say what they have to say and treats everyone evenly. The first reason showing that General Mandible is using a fascism or nazism is that he does not care about every individual ant; he only cares about his colony. He does not care about what any ant has to say and whatever he says, that is what is going to happen.Whereas Z says that everyone should speak out. Also everyone is the same. In the movie, Z says that everyone should think for themselves and that. There are also many other places where General Mandible demonstrates a Nazism or a fascism type of gov ernment is that he imprisoned people when they did not so anything wrong. An example of this was when Z ran away and General Mandible imprisoned Weaver. Since Weaver did not do anything wrong, General Mandible should not have been allowed is imprison him. Z on the other hand wants the colony to be run as a democracy.As the colony was making a ladder, Z says that we are a colony, implying that everyone is just as important to one another. Also in the end when everyone gets up safely, he says that we did it, not I did it. There were many other types of governments shown in this movie as well but these two showed the major two in the movie. Even though Z did not use the direct democracy, it is what he wanted to be used and it is what would have been used if Z had been the leader.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Lack of Will Makes Us Lazy

The Industrial Revolution was the beginning of a new era in human history. Thanks to this, many countries were able to experience economic growth at a rate never seen before. Unfortunately, it has brought an unforeseen consequence that today has been taken for granted. Because of lacking regulation laws during the aftermath of the Industrial Revolution, we now face the worst environmental crisis of all time. As a result, the planet is experiencing an increase in temperatures around the world. However, nothing is all lost, yet.With renewable energy, among other things, it’s possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, therefore reversing the damage we have done to the planet. For instance, there are wind farms. The wind is a renewable energy that is often overlooked. With new technology, it’s possible to harness the wind and convert it into a power source. The United Kingdom has managed to do this with success. In the southeast coast of England, the government was able t o build an off-shore wind farm with over 100 turbines, which harvests the power of the wind.The Thanet wind farm, as they named it, is capable of producing enough energy to power over 200,000 households in a year. If countries around the world had the will, they could replace non-renewable energy sources with wind farms. This is an excellent idea that could reduce carbon emissions by billions of tons each year. In addition, another renewable source that could help reduce emissions is solar energy. The planet receives more solar energy from the Sun in an hour than it consumes in a year.If every home owner had the will to install solar panels in the rooftops of their homes, not only would it lower their electric bill, but also, their emission levels would drop drastically. Similarly, China is planning to build something close, but in massive scale. The Chinese government struck a deal with First Solar Inc, an Arizona-based company, to build a solar field the size of Manhattan. If the deal goes through, the gigantic solar field will be able to power approximately 3 million Chinese homes. In the end, solar energy is another excellent renewable source with a lot more potential than we might think.Moreover, another way that we can reduce greenhouse gases is by encouraging public transportation. As we know, driving our daily commute can become a struggle. Sometimes, we pollute the environment with carbon dioxide without even moving our cars, stuck in traffic jams, wasting energy in the process. On the other hand, people who use mass transit when commuting save by not spending money on increasingly expensive gas, but more importantly, reduce their carbon emissions. Another plus for using mass transit systems is that you basically have an excuse to meet new people seating next to you.On the contrary, if you rather enjoy commuting alone while driving a car, a hybrid or an electric is a great alternative to regular combustion engine vehicles. Either way, there’s n o excuse for anyone to reduce their carbon emissions while commuting to work or school. In the end, the technology to reduce worldwide greenhouse gases is on our fingertips. The only thing that’s stopping us from doing the right thing and reducing emissions is will in our part. It’s human nature to act after the disaster strikes. Let’s not wait after coastal cities start flooding and act now so we can secure a better future for our descendants.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Scotland’s Most Dishonourable Female……she could defloration your time off Essays

Scotland’s Most Dishonourable Female†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦she could defloration your time off Essays Scotland’s Most Dishonourable Female†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦she could defloration your time off Essay Scotland’s Most Dishonourable Female†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦she could defloration your time off Essay The summer days in Scotland are long and tranquil with nights that stay bright until 10pm. The scenery is lovely, the sickly is at its upper crust and the tranquillity makes an paragon election for a relaxing vacation, or so you would think. Your vacation has right-minded started and at the intention of the key day the probable of an aperitif in the garden or by the lakeside is least appealing. It has fair passed 5pm. The first taste is enriched and satisfying as you hold sneakily to breath in the clear, healthy style and absorb the breath-taking scenery. Piecemeal you note uncomfortable and notice that you have the urge to injury your critical and face. Then you are aware of something like dust particles floating around the upper enter in of your body. Dismissing them with a swell, thoughtful they are far too small to contemplate, you support on with your aperitif and conversation history of social work essay. But then you locate yourself itching so much, eventually you can’t arrogate it any more and head inside wondering how these minute creatures could entertain ruined your evening, you can only last them! Next era you frighten yourself as you look in the bathroom mirror, quieten itching, and grasp an fetish of someone who appears to be agony from measles! But it’s not measles, it’s the result of the scrap of the ruthless Culicoides impunctatus, the iniquitous female Highland Midge ! She longing come out every evening like a vampire, to obey her requisite to accumulation her unborn eggs with blood. She breeds in moistness vegetative areas and is attracted to you on the carbon dioxide you suggestion out. The only method she purposefulness not gumshoe you and begin recompense your blood is if you rest breathing! Be that as it may, there is an substitute†¦that works!

Monday, November 4, 2019

Psychological and spiritual conquest Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Psychological and spiritual conquest - Essay Example The Confession Manuals depict lust as the most prevalent sin, above drunkenness, lying, murder or stealing and did not value the Indians’ norms that governed the transition into adulthood. This portrays the missionaries as a group of self-righteous people who are out to satisfy their own lust, despite accusing the Indians of lust. They are missionaries who are expected to be well conversant with the 10 commandments, but are only focused on the sixth one. It does not help that they even raped virgin Indian women. On the Indians’ part, they may have punished both men and women equally for sexual transgressions, but they also had their unconventional norms that allowed them to dissolve marriages or change partners for reasons that seemed purely for adventure. In conclusion, the reading brings forth both the missionaries and Indians as having unconventional norms, albeit the fact that the norms have guided their lives before encountering each other. The different values come out distinctly as inappropriate for the modern

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Discussion 6 his Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Discussion 6 his - Assignment Example A traitor who tries to gain power and authority to satisfy his personal gains cannot be regarded in any way to be a hero but a villain. It is for this reason that in my opinion, Minister Arthur Zimmermann was the villain for betraying the US by giving secret support to Mexico and wanting to put the US against her allies. 2. Search the internet for images of posters from World War I. Choose one, take an 8 1/2 x 11 inch white piece of paper and draw the poster by hand with a graphite pencil onto the paper. Take a photo of your drawing, and post it to the discussion board. Describe why the poster intrigued you, and what you learned about the image by taking a long look at it. The image above was selected due to its contrasting theme to what the president of the country at the time, who was President Woodrow Wilson, stood for at the time. It will be seen that whereas the president of the land was preaching peace and wanting the issues of the day to be settled through dialogue, there were those who were fueling the issue. The fueling of the issue took place with such posters that attributed joining the war to civilization. But on the other side of the case, one cannot deny the message of the poster, especially as dialogues broke down and it was becoming clear that America needed to join, at least for the reason of protecting its smaller allies. There are therefore so many lessons in the poster as it teaches the lesson of last resort. As depicted in the poster, war or violence must always be used as a last resort and should only be employed when there is no other alternative and once that time comes, it must be the responsibility of all. 3. Does the history of World War I teach us that it is in the best interest of the United States to fight in foreign wars and to enforce international peace treaties with our military? Write a 4-6 sentence paragraph in