Friday, November 22, 2019

Alcohol Abuse And Substance Abuse

The Effects of Alcohol and Substance Abuse on Fetal Development Natalie Fontanella Liberty University Online Abstract This paper examined the effects of alcohol and substance abuse on fetal development in expecting mothers. The critical periods of fetal development during pregnancy are reviewed and discussed in order to determine the effects alcohol and substance can cause during certain stages. In order to gain a more efficient understanding of the effects different substances can have on fetal†¦ Substance Abuse Along with stress, family dysfunction, and social isolation, substance abuse has also been linked with an increased risk of child abuse and neglect. Aspects of the family environment can be a useful and vital assessment aspect for identifying child abuse and neglect. According to a study conducted by Shanta Dube, Robert Anda, Vincent Felitti, Janet Croft, Valerie Edwards, and Wayne Gills (2001), there was a strong relationship between parental alcohol abuse and each of the 10 adverse†¦ Alcohol Abuse Amber Wienberg Brown Mackie College- Lenexa, KS July 11, 2015 Alcohol Abuse Alcohol is the most abuse and widely used substance (Fortinash & Worret, 2012, pg. 333). According to Fortinash and Worret, 9.6% of American males and 3.2% of American females are alcohol dependent (2012, pg. 33). As stated by Psychology Today, alcohol abuse is defined by: failure to fulfill major school, work or home responsibilities, drink and driving, reoccurring legal issues related to alcohol†¦ policing, the use of alcohol and substance abuse has risen within the departments. Studies concerning the connection between alcohol and PTSD have shown that officers tend to turn to drugs and alcohol if they have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The use of drugs have led to addiction and even police corruption. This problem has become an epidemic for the police in today’s society. Citizens may argue that police are no different than an average citizen on substance abuse or that drugs actually†¦ Research Methodology There are very few studies on yoga intervention on alcohol and substance abuse. There ae several factors associated with substance abuse that prevents patients from relapse. Participants will be select based on the following criteria: the age, the employment status and the patient admitted for long-term inpatient treatment. The patient age 18 and over, who are currently employed in a firm and who are admitted in the facility as inpatient will be recruited for the research. The†¦ Alcohol may seem to be very innocent to people and a way to socialize with others even though that at times can be true it can also be very harmful and in some cases dangerous. Studies show that impulsivity has long been considered a risk factor for harmful alcohol use. Advances in neurocognitive models of impulse control have allowed substance abuse researchers to understand how dysfunction of specific cognitive mechanisms underlying behavioral control can contribute to substance use (Fillmore†¦ A main issue that is still occurring in the military is the many cases of the substance abuse. The USA Today news article, â€Å"Ex-soldier Returns to Fight Substance Abuse in Military† talks about Frank L. Greenagel Jr. who opened up his own counseling center for substance abuse. He also served in the military and agreed that there are many individuals who are dealing with substance addiction. These individuals need help before things could potentially become fatal. Greenagel discusses how one of†¦ Substance abuse and addiction has become so common that almost every individual has been or will be affected by its consequences. Substance abuse and addiction does not only affect the individual directly battling with it, but also impacts the lives of many others. Alcohol and substance abuse counseling is a career path that has interested me due to my personal experiences associated with alcohol and substance abuse. There are many different people battling with alcohol and substance abuse who†¦ Lauren’s alcohol consumption, especially in the form of binge drinking, is a form of substance abuse and is considered a health-risk behaviour (Buultjens & Buultjens, 2015). Therefore, it is important to note that active substance abuse correlates with poor adherence to prescribed treatments in adolescents (Costello et al., 2016). Furthermore, it is observed that adolescents who display one type of risk-taking behavior are more likely to engage in further forms of risk-taking in regard to their health†¦ People suffer from substance abuse such as; drugs, alcohol and tobacco. Most people mistakenly think that those who suffer from substance abuse do not have the willpower nor does that person want to stop using drugs. What those people don’t understand, drug abuse or some might call it drug addiction is a complex disease. (Signs and Symptoms of Substance Abuse, 2016). When a person is abusing drugs quitting it easier say, than done. Drugs can affect and change the brain and the body making the process†¦

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