Saturday, November 2, 2019

Discussion 6 his Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Discussion 6 his - Assignment Example A traitor who tries to gain power and authority to satisfy his personal gains cannot be regarded in any way to be a hero but a villain. It is for this reason that in my opinion, Minister Arthur Zimmermann was the villain for betraying the US by giving secret support to Mexico and wanting to put the US against her allies. 2. Search the internet for images of posters from World War I. Choose one, take an 8 1/2 x 11 inch white piece of paper and draw the poster by hand with a graphite pencil onto the paper. Take a photo of your drawing, and post it to the discussion board. Describe why the poster intrigued you, and what you learned about the image by taking a long look at it. The image above was selected due to its contrasting theme to what the president of the country at the time, who was President Woodrow Wilson, stood for at the time. It will be seen that whereas the president of the land was preaching peace and wanting the issues of the day to be settled through dialogue, there were those who were fueling the issue. The fueling of the issue took place with such posters that attributed joining the war to civilization. But on the other side of the case, one cannot deny the message of the poster, especially as dialogues broke down and it was becoming clear that America needed to join, at least for the reason of protecting its smaller allies. There are therefore so many lessons in the poster as it teaches the lesson of last resort. As depicted in the poster, war or violence must always be used as a last resort and should only be employed when there is no other alternative and once that time comes, it must be the responsibility of all. 3. Does the history of World War I teach us that it is in the best interest of the United States to fight in foreign wars and to enforce international peace treaties with our military? Write a 4-6 sentence paragraph in

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